Monday Roll Call

Hi Karen.. I hope you get feeling better. I saw you pulling out of Dr. R's office on Thursday. If we had been five minutes earlier I could have given you a hug and said hello Calvin was heading in for his pre-op appointment. Sorry we missed ya.
Sorry to hear you wont be able to make the meeting on Thursday but I do understand.
Get some rest and take care of you!
Happy New Years Eve to all - We had a great Christmas with the kids. All my company has went home and I've been trying to catch up on some much needed rest. I am sooo tired. My foot is healing but slow. I did get my cast off on 12/26 but now have a brace on my foot for a min of 4 - 6 weeks. It's a much slower process then I anticipated. Calvin is getting very excited about his upcoming surgery. A week from tomorrow is the big day. Wow! No plans for me tonight. Calvin is working and I'll probably already be asleep when he rolls in tonight. Hope everyone has a safe evening.
Happy New Year! Christina