Saturday Roll Call

Pam S.
on 12/28/07 7:25 pm, edited 12/28/07 7:26 pm - Rockford, IL

Good Morning Illinois! Burrrr it's cold out there!  Frosty  I should have had a easy night at work tonight, but, Alternators went out on 2 contractors vans and then all hell broke loose!   That's what I get for thinking!  Light Bulb  When will I learn! Our new member Michele and of course Wendi had surgery yesterday......anyone heard on Wendi?   Prayers out for them both!   Dawn did you get home alright yesterday!   I heard that 20 was only one lane! Connie sounds like you had a real good time in Chicago yesterday!   And going up those stairs and not running out of breath.....I'd say that was a wow moment! many parties do you and Dave go thru during the holiday season?  Party!  Having another one coming up!  Wow that is a lot to do!   Lucy.....I've been thinking of you!   Wiggling Toes  How are you doing? Gotta fly.......have a great day everyone!   Ball Drop   


on 12/28/07 8:29 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Next Sauturday's party  is for our neighbors so they can bring their kids to our house because our other party is for adults only. Or at least those over the age of 21, not all of those people act like adults sometimes.  This party is simplier in the sense that we just have easy food to prepare like a couple casseroles that are kid friendly and then sandwiches and salads for the adults. We do not have the party every year, sometimes another neighbor will have it, but we have the larger house with the three season room to serve food in.  Well, Dave wants to go down to our local bank today and put dollars into our respective IRAs before the end of the year for the 2007 tax deduction time. Then I just have some straightening up to do around the house so I do not have to do anything for next Saturday. With being sick I let things slide and there is a little clutter that needs to be put away. If I do not get it all done today before we go to church then there is always tomorrow.  Christine did they get those vans fixed or did the others have to double up their routes last night

Open RNY May 7


Pam S.
on 12/28/07 11:56 pm - Rockford, IL
Yes Chris they did double up........ Now....when you clean out for that Christmas tree with you high powered vaccum!   LOL   I think that is that selling point for me to get one like your!   Seriously....been checking them out for the last year, but now I know I'm going to buy one!

Lucy M.
on 12/28/07 9:03 pm - Conway, SC
Good morning Pam and Chris. I'm doing ok. With the holidays and being weak in resolve, I wasn't the best this week, But, I am not as depressed as I have been. So maybe, my medication is starting to work. I'm looking forward to the coming year and getting back to goal and staying there. Yup, it's cold out there... Had to take out the trash as it is pick-up day. I shoveled the snow yesterday after work, my walkway and both driveways - mine and my neighbors! I'll be out all day to weigh****chers and then a visit to my sister's. Has anyone heard about Wendi? Chris, hope you're feeling better today! Hugs, Lucy  Count Down Happy New Year 

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Pam S.
on 12/28/07 11:59 pm - Rockford, IL
I am so glad you feel a little bit better Lucy!   I know that stuff sometimes takes a little while to work, so this is encouraging.   I wish you were my neighbor!   Could you shovel my sidewalks?   LOL

on 12/28/07 9:44 pm - Chicago, IL
Good Morning Pam & IL, It is cold out there today, but I am quite grateful that the snow that was predicted yesterday was not nearly as bad as anticipated.   When I went to work yesterday, the plows were lined up waiting for that first flake to fall( Remember last years Dunkin Commercial with the plows racing for one flake of snow) I have some errands to run as well as need to go into work for a few hours.  Tomorrow I intend to hit the health club as well as have a restful day and think about my goals for 2008 for health, work and personal. Lucy- Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and the meds are helping you.  Everytime I hear people knock medication for depression, I want to scream.  Medication helps people live full lives and sure beats the alternate of a tortured life.  Thank God for the discoveries and the doctors that help treat depression. Chris-  You sound like you are getting back to your old self, that is good, it stinks to be sick at the holidays. Pam- It sounds like you had a rough night at work, what do you do ? Any news of Wendi and how she did through her surgery ? Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone. Mary
Pam S.
on 12/28/07 11:54 pm - Rockford, IL
Mary I work nights in the transportatopn dept at our newspaper.    It's suppose to be easy now with all the sale ads out from Christmas!    I want to know what's up with Wendi too!

Lisa Tucker
on 12/29/07 12:22 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning to all, It seems like everyone on this board is busy as usual.  I am planning on staying in the house today and just doing what needs to be done. I am kinda planning on starting to de-holiday the house, and hope when DH gets home, he will bring the totes up from the basement and help.  I have madea pot of veggie and beef soup, and its simmering away in the crock pot.  I have been having issues with food this week. I really don't know what is staying down or won't. I do know that  pouch doesn't like anything spicy. Last night I tryed to eat a buffalo wing, and it came back almost as fast as I ate it. ( It took 29 min to eat). Eating? liquids today.  Need to get busy, Hugs to all.


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Kim M.
on 12/29/07 12:55 am - Poplar Grove, IL
Good Morning IL~ I'm so glad everyone is getting back to normal health wise!  Pam, if you are thinking about getting a dyson, I highly recommend it!!!!  I got a dyon slim this christmas from my mother in law and I love it!  The animal (purple one) dyson will go up stairs!  What I love about the slim is that it gets under the overhang under my kitchen cabinets.  Ryans side of the family came to our house for christmas w/ 3 dogs.  They kept them in kennal's the whole time in the play room and I still vaccumed up 2 canistors of dog hair!!!  If that doestn't sell ya, I don't know what will!   Today Maddie and I are going shopping to get a birthday present for her friend and then she has a party to go to from 3-7.  FREE TIME!!!!  I am planning to get some scrap booking done and some cards made!   I'm going to try to be a regular on the board now.  It's been VERY hard being denied and fighting the insurance co. and wanting something so bad and not being able to get it in a timely fashion!  Only time will tell what will happen.  I'm up to 206 and not proud of that!!  Oh is another day.  Everyone have a great day and be safe! Kim
Pam S.
on 12/29/07 1:29 am - Rockford, IL
Hi Kim......I am so glad to see you post!   I know this has been so hard on you overall!   You will get there! I promise!  We are all here to support you!   I was sold on that vaccum cleaner already!   Going to get one real soon.  But the extra pitch you gave me sealed the deal.  Now it won't hurt so much when I hand off the money to buy it!   LOL I hope you had a good Christmas....I saw that your DH had to work So I would imagine it gets tough with his schedule. Hugs

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