Did You Move To Lose Today? Happy Friday!
Hey Everyone,
Well we survived the week after Christmas
Kudos to those of you that didn't miss a beat during the holiday. Double kudos to you that got back on track....and triple kudos for those of you that are reading this and saying....I have to get back on track, I have to get back on track
Yes, it will soon be a New Year and we want it to be the best it can be!!!!! Let's get MOVIN
I took the night off and will be going to the gym tonight and workout during the weekend.
So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain? Come on in and let's here how you are doing. Pre-ops and newbies are welcome
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
O****il I am no longer "new" this message will be delayed, but I was down 3.5 pounds from last Friday. I only weight myself on Fridays. I thought it was a success considering the bad food that is around you all the time at the holiday season.
Now how long am I considered new? Do I have that new-to-the-forum's smell?
Hi Barry,
First of all WELCOME to your new life that will be filled with WOW moments and good health big time
You are really doing great. Has your surgeon cleared you for any exercise? If so, you may want to start slow and do some walking.
No, you don't have the new smell
Due to spam issues all new members posts are delayed for the first 48 hours only. Once you are older than 48 hours your posts will appear real time.
If you have any questions, please let us know at [email protected]
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Thanks for the welcome Kathy. I would hope the doc has allowed me to do exercise. It has been 13 months, and I might be scared of needles, I don't think I am that much of a slow healer :) I kid, just one of my quirks. I have been doing a lot of walking, as right now, I work in the city and that means I take mass transit. I am looking for gyms that I can go to after I get home. I am just not a morning person, so that would make it hard for me to get up at 4 am (people really do that?!)
Too bad about the new smell. That is one of the best things about a new car is the smell, oh well at least it isn't a stink :)
Well it is time to walk through the snow to get to the train.
Hi Kathy!
I DID! I got up again at 4 and worked a little bit harder today. I held the bands at their stretch point for longer with each rep. I added 2 sets of crunches. I certainly hope something shakes loose soon.
I just went back to the calendar and counted and it has been 20 weeks since I was in the "losing" phase. I have bounced up and down 2 pounds since then. I am looking at my intake and trying everything I can to shake something loose. The interesting thing is that I now kind of like the exercise, and I NEVER thought I would be one to say THAT.
SO.......I will "keep on truckin" and hope for the best.
I wonder if the low vitamin D and iron have anything to do with it?
Stay safe if you venture out to the gym in this nasty weather. Maybe I can get the weight bench at home cleaned off and I can try that.
Anyway.....I also like the three amigos, but it could be more.........
Have a great weekend!
You were up at 4am working out!! Yaaaaay, girlfriend! (I was also up at 4am, but at work....does that count? I doubt it..LOL)
I had 3 lbs that just wouldn't leave me....and then on Christmas morning, they were gone....I'm hoping that is what happens with you. Seems like the scale will not move, but the clothing starts getting looser....do you do measurements as well as watching the scale?
I think you are doing great, and I'm proud of you!!! I haven't quite gotten to the point of "liking" exercise...but I LOVE the feeling when I am through working out.....endorphins, yes?
Anyways, I'm glad you and Kathy are posting......but we need some of the LURKERS to post along with us.....c'mon guys!!! Tell us your goals, challenges, setbacks, accomplishments, etc......
MOTIVATION MOTIVATION MOTIVATION!!!! That's what we are here for!!!
Thank you for the encouragement Paula!
I sure do need it these days.......20 weeks is a looooooooonnnnnnngggggg time.
Actually, over the weekend, the scale went down to 160 and I thought the dry spell was over, but alas----Wednesday morning, the nasty 2 pounds were back and have not budged.
I agree......COME ON OUT you LURKERS and let us know what is up with you!!!!
<--------------"Some people" walked on the treadclimber today.....ugh!! I hate that machine....I kept trying to negotiate how long I would be on it......
He said, "30 mins"
I said, "uhhhh...how bout 15....?"
HAHAHAHA! He won that argument....with just a look.
Oh...and the conversation EVERY MORNING on my way home from work consists of me saying how I am so hungry and should just stop for a Mc Muffin......(I don't...but it is definitely a thought at that moment)....I need to be talked down from that one almost daily. HA!
I think we all need people in our lives to hold us accountable....so between the b/f keeping me honest and you guys keeping me motivated.....I have no choice but to keep on track!!
thanks for your posts!! you keep me going!