?'s bout hospital
I just recently got my surgery date for Feb 11, 2008. i was planning on going to methodist medical center in peoria but when the dr office called they daid that the dr wants to do it at st francis in peoria. For the most part I am totally ok with this, but then I ear that the staff can be very stand offish to baristric patients. I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with either hospital o any advice.
I also had another delima to talk about. It seemed that ppl supported me getting this surgery untiltime came that i was approved. Now some friends are starting to pull away and it hurts. Just wondering if anyone dealt with this either. Thanks for all of you guys being so supportive to everyone.
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi, I didn't use the Peoria hospitals because my insurance wouldn't let me. But, my very first choice was for St. Francis. I am sure you will be find with either of them.
You may lose some friends because they can't relate to your decision to have this done. Just remember, you are the one that made this decision for your own health and life.
I live fairly close to you in Streator. If you need to talk, please PM me your phone number and I will call you back.
We are all here to support you in all your decisions.
I don't have any experience with either of the hospitals that you mentioned...but I can try to offer something regarding the friends that seem very supportive in the beginning and then pull away as your surgery date gets closer.
You can look at it as them giving you your space....perhaps they don't know what to say regarding this life-changing event....or they don't want to invade your privacy. I had many friends that couldn't handle that I was finally taking charge of my life and my health..they were (and are) still in a lot of denial regarding their own weight-related issues.
Just remember that we are here for you...support, advice, etc. Hang in there and know that you are now adopted into the IL Board family !!!
best wishes !
Thanks so much for the advice. You are very right about my friends bein in denial. Before I got on here I was questioning if I could really go through with it. But after hearing from you guys and knowing that Ive got the support from here, just makes me feel more complete. This forum is truly a blessing. Thanks to all who help others. Measha