i'm scared
Hi, I have been lurking here for many years but I feel now is the time for me to act. I feel almost panicked to have made the decision to have bariatric surgery. Although I have read all the articles and feel well informed, I feel lost and scared as how to begin the process. I made a doctor's appointment with my PCP for Jan 7 to inform him of my desire to presue medical interventions. He is "old school" and I doubt will be very receptive to my desire to go this route. I have medical insurance that I have read does cover WLS. But I am too scared to actually call them. I feel like if I get rejected I will have lost all hope, you know? Like this is the last becon of hope for me...and to have it taken away from my fantasies would be devestating. I don't really have any other co-morbidalities and that makes me nervous.... I mean I know it's just a matter of time before I pop up diabetic. I just feel that it may hinder me being approved. Funny to look at good health this way I suppose... I do have chronic lower back pain that my doctor is convinced is from being pregnant and epidurals during childbirth. I work at a hospital with a pretty reputible bariatric center... maybe I should go to them first? See what my options are? I don't know why I'm posting this... maybe just to have people tell me I am normal to feel this way.
I am so emotionally overwhelmed by all this and feel like I need to get myself "in check" so that I can produce a rational arguement to my PCP on the 7th. Any suggestions or tips would be appricated.
I would suggest going to the bariatric center and having a sit down and get as much info as you can and a feel for the place and people. You have to be comfortable with the center you choose. Then make your decision. If your PCP doesn't come on board get your records and go shopping. I took me 16 months to get approved and i have enough co-morbidities to share, so don't be discouraged- you have to be VERY rpo-active about your medical care. And,last and most important-keep posting on this board-that's what we're here for sweetie. We'll back you up 100% right into the OR and after too. Welcome and keep coming back-Janet K
Hi there and Welcome!
I agree with Janet in every way, she gave you perfect advice------check out the bariatric center in the hospital you work for first.......they will be happy to help you and answer all your questions.
Keep coming back here-----we have a great group of folks that will support you no matter what!
I too will agree with Janet, visit the center and ask questions. I am sure that they are arware of the benefits that the hospital offers and will be able to guide you. Being emotionally overwhelmed, is normal. Heck I know, because tomorrow is my big day.......One moment you are excited and the next moment you are thinking WTF.....In regards to the PCP, if he says no, then I too would go find someone else.
Oh, and keep coming back here everyone on this board is truly amazing and supportive.
I am still on the journey! I was denied and at times I feel the there is no hope left. If this is something your really want to do, then you will find a way. What hospital do you work at? The reason I ask is that my sister works at a hospital and her good friend just had wls and they covered it 100%. The doctors at the hospital were wonderful and helped her to get approved. If your pcp is not on board w/ you, then I would find another one. Good luck w/ everything and keep posting. We would love to hear from you more!
Hello everyone, long time no talk. I FINALLY got up the nerve to see my PCP TODAY. He is 100% on board with the idea of lap band. I nearly fell off my chair! He said it will be at least a year of documentation and referred me to a dietician and psychitrist, which was fine. I am going to my hospitals WLS support group meeting this Saturday to get more info. Oh, and since you asked, I work at Little Company of Mary Hospital where Dr. Gerald Cahill is the WLS surgeon. I only WISH there was an employee discount, but there probably isn't...can't hurt to ask though! I have Unicare Hmo thru the city of chicago. Anyone have any history with them?
thanks for your support ladies.