Christmas Eve Roll Call
Good Morning!!!
I finally crawled out from under my electric blanket this morning and I am slurping down my coffee and procrastinating on drinking at Advance Impact stuff (makes me nausiated). It is 4 days to the big day, and I am truly looking forward to it. I think this the first time I am not dreading the holiday.
Since I have no family in the area, it is just my hubby, daughter and son. I will be handing out the honey-do lists to all and expect some help. I will get my homework finalized and submited.
I will check back later.
Merry Christmas Eve to all my dear friends.
We celebrated Christmas with my family yesterday and it was very nice. My neice who is 27 made me a beautiful afghan, I will get pictures and post them to my profile. She is truly talented. I also got one of those fountains that trickle water for relaxation in a grab bag...I love it.
We had a nice dinner and I didn't over do it at all. I was very good at drinking my water and only 1 cup of diet/caffiene free coke all day!
This morning I took Tyler and Jacob to their dad's and they will be there until tomorrow afternoon. Then we will celebrate Christmas with Mike's side of the family.
Today I plan on baking some cupcakes for tomorrow and doing nothing much. It's a very laid back kinda day.
Love to all
Merry Christmas
Revision on 04/19/13
Merry Christmas to all my OH family.
I am in the mist of getting ready for about 30 guests in a few hours. It is so different from last year. Besides starting to lose weight with my wonderful band, I am feeling so so much better because of the valve replacement in April. I could actually see me not being alive this Xmas, if I hadn't had the open heart surgery. Actually, I can thank the band for that too. If I hadn't of wanted the band done, I might have not gone to the heart doctors, and as bad as it was, I am lucky to be alive this Christmas and loving it.
I hope everyone has a great day and happiness.
Love ya all,

Happy day before Christmas Lucy!
I just got home. Slept late this morning then up and out with the siblings for lunch.
Later this afternoon Sheri and I are going to the movies. We are going to see The Golden Compass. I got a free pass from the theater for my birthday, but it's one of those that you can only use after the movie has been in the theater 2 weeks or more and this is the only thing still at the theater that I can use the pass that's the one we are going to see
I'm a movie freak and it doesn't matter to me, just love to go to the movies.
Tomorrow we will have dinner at my cousins house. I offered to bring dessert so then I would make sure there were things I could eat. I bought this sugar free chocolate mouse cake which looks wonderful, a fruit tray and then for those that can eat anything I got what they call a black and white cheesecake. It is really 2 cakes. One is regular cheesecake with chocolate cake and the other side is chocolate cheesecake with white cake in the middle...just looked very yummy.
Hope everyone has a very safe and happy holiday.

Regards and hugs,

Hi Ronna. I like going to movies too. I have two passes that I will have to use soon. I got them from my boss for Christmas along with a free small popcorn and two soft drinks. Woohoo, what a gift!
Sounds like you've got your holiday all planned and lots to do.
I'm home from work and got my errands done. Just to wrap a few things and put my Mom's flower arrangement together. I'm in for the night and will veg out by the TV.
Talk with you soon!

Merry Christmas Eve to everyone! Maddie and I are about to leave to go to my parents house. Then we go to 4:00 mass then go home and open gifts from my parents. Ryan has to work tonight, so he will meet us over there later tonight before going into work. Maddie is sooooo excited! I it so cool to see christmas through kids eyes! I'm lookinn forward to tonight, because after church, we all change into our pj's and make a fire and just chill and sing songs and play games.
I hope everyone has a nice christmas and stay safe! I am so lucky to have found you guys and for all the support you all have given me. Please keep me in your prayers....that I will get approved in the new year!!! This has been the LONGEST journey in my life. I'm about to say the hell w/ it and just go to selfpay!!!! Be safe and stay warm!!!