Merry Christmas ps I am home!
I have been home for a few hours. We had a great time up in the north woods, well as good as I could make it. I am still down with this nasty upper respitory thingy. I just cannot shake it. I got the most powerful OTC Tylenol Cold product after signing my life away at Walgreens. Man, you have to show your DL and sign for it. I have been thinking that this is a little more serious than a cold. The last time I felt this way I had pnuemonia in '99. I am weak, no appetite, just want to sleep and have lost 10# since last Monday. I started getting real bad on Friday at work when my sinus's felt like they were going to pop out of my head.
Well, we are on our way out of the house in a few minutes to my niece and nephew's 6 blocks away from us. I can camp out on a bed if I need to. Touch base with you all later on.
Open RNY May 7
Welcome home. I am so sorry that you are still feeling so bad. Tomorrow you should call your Dr, it doesn't sound like a simple cold anymore sweetie. Don't let it get worse.
Have fun today and lay down if you need to. That's the greatest part about families, they understand and won't be upset with you if you do.
Merry Christmas to a dear friend and her family