Santa Came Early
Well I thought we got our Christmas present Wednesday, when we found out that Eddie won't lose his finger. He still will probably need reconstructive work on it as it doesn't really function well, but it's his! Now I know y'all are gonna thing I'm hitting the Vicodin too hard, but today I got the best gift I could get-a scab. A beautiful scab where the crater was! I will have a belly button in a few weeks again! I know my Playboy days are over, but if they ever need a centerfold for cellulite at least they have a place to put the staple now! I am so jazzed-Merry Christmas to all! Big Xmas Hugs-Janet K
That is wonderful news regarding Eddie and your scab (ok, now that sounds weird). Instead of playboy, how about being the model for the new and improved Birth of Venus? I think that sounds much sexier.
It looks like your luck and health is starting to turn the corner. See the new year looks brighter already.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Hi Janet. I am so happy for you. What great news that you finally have a scab and this will heal too. Good to hear that Eddie won't lose his finger. This might be the turning around time for you, as things will get better in the New Year. It's about time!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry and Blessed Christmas.

Revision on 04/19/13