Saturday Roll Call
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois on this last Saturday before Christmas.
I know Christina and Calvin are flying high this morning. With Calvin getting approrved and getting the girls for CHristmas.
Wendy is also flying high, with getting everything ready for the holiday and her surgery on the 28th.
Has everyone finished their Christmas shopping? What about all the food you need to stock up on?
I try to get all my shopping done by Thanksgiving. I hate the large ceowds and rude people in the malls and box stores at this time of year, If I didn't even have to go to the store, I would be happy.
Have a great day,
Good morning Lisa and IL, Looks like everyone is sleeping in this morning, wish I was, it is cold dark and cloudy this morning, I am done with my christmas shopping and got the food all taken care of , I just have to bring some side dishes again this year, as I am not cooking, which is very nice after doing it for so many years.
No much going on today watching my grandsdaughters this afternoon their mom and dad are going christmas shopping, other than that not much going on,
hope everyone has a good day,
hope Christine and Dave had a safe trip to the dells with all the fog we had yesterday.
Lucy hope you are feel better soon,
Lisa sorry about you gain maybe it was jus****er and it will come right back off,
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my OH Family,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Lisa & IL -
Yes, we are flying high. Very excited and can't beleive how quickly this is all going to happen. I just finished my shopping. I keep saying I'm finished then end up buying more. Another addiction of mine.
Hope everyone has a great day.. Stay safe and watch out for all those nutty people out there. I get to go to the airport this afternoon so that should be a nutty place too.
Good morning friends!!!!
As Lia said, I am a very busy person right now. I still have some shopping to do, gifts to wrap, and a house to clean. But, other than that things are going as well as they can. I am getting excited for my big day, but I have to go on Wednesday and get my EKG redone and signed off for surgery clearance. It seems when they did it during pre-op testing it came back boarderline abnormal. My best friend at work, said well think about it "You are going in for your very first surgery, first upper GI, and they just took 5 tubes of blood from you." So, when I go to pick up my Rx at the Navy hospital on Wednesday, I have an appointment to get another EKG, and I was informed by his nurse that he also wants to talk to me.....I have news for him, as he is not going to change my mind.
As I write this post, I need to take a moment and say a big THANK YOU to all of you for being there and letting me cry, vent, and celebrate. You all are wonderful, and I couldn't have asked for anything better. So, for those who are traveling, or not going to be online for a couple of days. Merry Christmas to all of you. May your holidays be bright and shiny.
One of the girls at work says the Alexian Brothers MC has WIFI, so maybe I will have my DH bring my laptop in so I can keep up and post what is going on.
Gotta Go....busy, busy, busy......
I keep putting wrapping off and I still have shopping to do lol. We are going out tonight for my birthday so it should be fun. I wanna get drunk for the first time after my surgery lol. I am glad I found these forums, its so nice to chat with people! Happy Holidays!

Hey Lisa
This is going to be a busy day. Was up really early. Not feeling good all night, my stomach was funky but feeling better now. Just didn't get much sleep. Oh well.
My housekeeper was here this morning, so I now have a clean house that smells wonderful.
In a few minutes I am leaving for the airport to pick up my "baby" brother. He's coming in from Houston and will be here for the next week. Not long enough for me, I miss him terribly...but I will be going to visit in April
Then this evening, Ms. Lucy, my sister, my friend Hope and I will be going to downtown Arlington Heights to participate in a "Christmas Crawl." It sound like a load of fun and I'm really looking forward to it. Sure hopes the snow holds off to really late tonight.
Then, weather permitting tomorrow will be a movie and out to dinner.
Hope everyone has a very enjoyable and safe weekend.

Regards and hugs,

Good afternoon Illinois! I got out in the crowds this morning to return some stuff I ordered and there were no lines at the pack and ship. Yea! I also went to Catherines with a coupon and got a robe and a shirt to wear on my cruise in Jan for $2. Yes two as in two! The shirt almost buttons and certainly will by the end of January.
Congratulations to many of you who have had good news lately! It's fun to read about positive experiences. For those of you dealing with depression, you have my deepest concerns and compassion, as well as personal experience. Thank goodness there are decent treatments these days.
It looks like many are traveling--be safe. We'll be home in Rockford this year and having friends drop in. Any of you around the area, PM me and maybe we can meet for coffee.
Hi Lisa and everyone. First, thanks to everyone. I really appreciate your support during my difficult time. It means so much to me!
I'm doing well. I actually lost 3.8 pounds this week. I went to weigh****chers this morning and was pleasantly surprised. I've been on track since yesterday... so the pouch does work.
Tonight, Ronna and her sister and I will be doing the Christmas Crawl in downtown Arlington Heights. I'm just about ready to leave. It's been a very busy day with going to weigh****chers and my sister's visit.