News from the front

Janet Kwiek
on 12/20/07 1:38 pm - IL
Hello to all my IL family-sorry I've been absent, but I've been up to my ears in hospitals and nurses and bandages.  They got Eddie's parts last Thursday so he had the knee revision and it went well.  We were fortunate that only the working parts of the knee and not the parts that go into the bone had to be replaced.  Of course just doing that was very risky because of the infection in the finger.  I got him home Sunday and he's basically helpless between the leg and the bum hand.  He has a nurse coming out to draw blood as he was on blood thinners, but they gave him too much so the knee has been bleeding like crazy-Monday I filled 2 jewel bags w/bloody bandages. We've been back and forth to both surgeons and finally got the bleeding stopped and yesterday the stitches came out of the finger.  Our Christmas present was the news that he won't lose the finger, but the gout disconnected the ligament so he is in a splint for a month and may need re-constructive surgery. His knee is full of blood, but it can't be aspirated because of danger of infection, so he is in a knee imobilizer and pretty much confined to the lazy-boy or bed.  We are still waiting for his disability money to start-so Christmas is going to  very  limited.  I guess it has gotten around CDH  about our rotten luck, because when I went to see my surgeon today  he and his staff gave me a Visa gift card so I can at least shop for the grand kids.  I totally lost it-thank God for waterproof mascara.  A church in Wheaton has helped w/prescription money for Eddie's 2 most costly drugs  and a Jewel gift card, so we are more fortunate than some.  Don't know when I'll get the time to drop in again so I wish all an early Merry Christmas.  Lucy-I am so glad you saw the  doc and will be getting some help w/the depression.  Marilyn-I hope your hubby is on the mend.  Stay safe and warm all-big hugs-Janet K
Pam S.
on 12/20/07 3:06 pm - Rockford, IL
Hi there Janet.......So glad to get an update on you and DH........That is wonderful news that he is going to keep his finger.......I am so happy that some that bad luck broke for you as well!   It's about damn time!    I really don't know how you withstood all this anyways?   You are one strong chick!  And to get that gift card from your surgeon? I'd be crying too!   What a blessing.   You desearve it! Love ya 

Lucy M.
on 12/20/07 9:36 pm - Conway, SC
Good morning Janet. Wow, you've been through so much and are hanging in there. This is what I meant from my other post, that there are others who have it worse than I do. Eddie is very fortunate to have you in his life. I can't imagine what you have been going through my friend. I wish there was something I could do for you. Please PM me if you want to talk. I'm happy to see that your friends are helping you a bit with your finances at this time of the year. It's tough.... You and Eddie are in my prayers. Hugs, Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


on 12/20/07 10:29 pm - Harvard, IL
Janet so good to hear from you! Been praying for your family! God is SO good to us glad to hear you've had some blessings through all of this! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Love Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
on 12/20/07 10:31 pm - Rock City, IL
Dear Janet: So glad to see you post, I was wondering how you were. I am glad to see that you have got a bit of better luck and also that your friends are helping out.  That is what this time of year is all about.........not how much STUFF we can accumulate. I wish for you a very Merry Christmas and the peace and love that go along with it. Hang in there, you have been doing great!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 12/21/07 4:35 am - Hoffman Estates, IL
Hi Janet, Thanks for the update.  It does seem like things are starting to turn towards the better for you and Eddie. My wish for you is a much easier 2008! I hope you both have a very happy and safe holiday.
Regards and hugs,

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