Did You Move To Lose Today? Thursday!
Hey Everyone
I can't believe Christmas is almost here
I am hearing that Santa Baby song in my head now...let's see, what do I want first, the diamonds, new car? I am an animal lover so no fur coats please
Yea right, and when I win the lottery I will let you guys know
Anyway, last night my son dummy downed my back routine as I am so weak. Well I was trying to do his routine that took him over a year to get to. So I am not offended. WE have to crawl before we walk and then run.... Here is what we did to get my back strong:
Seated bar pull downs - only 3 sets of 20/15/10 15/20/30 lbs
Standing bar pull downs - same as above
Seated pulls - one set was pulling all the way back to get that pinch in the upper back
The other set was a very small shoulder pull back with keeping your arms straight
It's hard to do and you really need someone there to watch you. I found this very hard to do
Lastly, we did the back bends. You put your feet on this stand so you don't fall off and then you bend on the pads at the waist. I did it first with no weight 20, then 15 with 5 lb weight and lastly with 10 lbs weight.
Breathing, is very important when exercising and I am so busy counting that I forget to breath right
You really do have extra strength when you breath right ,it just takes time to learn. Geez, I thought I had the breathing thing down since birth
Guess not
So my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today? Come on and let's get those bods going.... Remember to chew gum (if you doc says it's ok) to keep from eating when cooking and baking.
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Good afternoon Kathy!
Sounds like a hard work out. I am not quite up to that yet.
Well, I DID get up at 4, but my only exercise was walking back and forth, back and forth, at Super Wal-Mart trying to get my Christmas groceries. I figured if I got there REALLY early, I could get what I needed and get out before the crowds arrived. It seemed that everytime I looked at my list, I needed something that I had passed isles and isles ago. Then, of course I needed a couple of things from the VERY BACK of the OTHER SIDE of the store (that they did not have.......) So, although I did not do my usual routine this morning, I walked at a decent pace for most of the hour and fifteen minutes it took me to gather everything on my list.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!