Thursday Roll Call
Good Morning everyone.......How are you all doing? How's that cold Christine? I hope you get well fast along with some R&R. Miss Lucy is today your appointment? If it is....I hope you get what you need! How's that foot Christina? Where's Janet K.? Haven't heard from her in a while....
Today I get to go into Downers Grove for a follow up.....I see Dr. R has added a few more types of surgeries to his list.
You all have a good day!
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Pam and the rest of ther Illinois I will be heading for work, then 5 days off, kinda.
Friday- heading to see Dr. Guske for a 20:45 appointment, Tomorrow night, out with friends.
Sat- go to store, glean house, and go to my daughters for her Xmas in Yorkville.
Sun- Get ready for Xmas Eve, pick up cousin in Pontiac and plan on a dinner out on Sunday night
Mon- long standing date with best friend for breakfast then finish food for Xmas eve. pect between 20 and 30 at my house.
tues- Go to Bloomington for Xmas with other daughter, take cousin to catch train to St. Louis, then come home and go to bed , to start back to work.
How does everyone elses weekend looking?

Good Morning Lisa and the rest of Illinois!
My, my Lisa-----you sure do have a lot going on! I hope you are excited about it all.
Pam----good luck at the doctor's today.
Glad to see that Chris is feeling well enough to go back to work.
Lucy, I hope your doctor can help you get back to feeling like your "old self". I miss your humor.
Monica-----I wish you good moods every day! As long as you have weights from at least five years ago, you should be OK.
I tackled the job of sewing those numbers onto the letterman's jacket. Luckily, they had to go below the pocket on the wool. It didn't turn out too bad, and he will be happy, I hope.
We have quite a bit to accomplish before Christmas as I have been slacking a bit in the evenings. I have been kind of tired and feeling like I might be catching a cold, so I have been going to be early the past 2 nights trying to fight it off. I went to Wal-Mart at 5:30 a.m. today to finish my grocery shopping, so that is done. We will get most everything done, I am sure.
Tonight, we will work on getting the crafts finished and wrapped.
Tomorrow night I hope to get the rest of the wrapping done.
Saturday, I will do the baking.
Sunday, we are going to my Aunt and Uncle's to celebrate with them. (Somewhere around the Bear/Packer game------Todd can't miss THAT!)
Monday we will finish up anything else that has to be done, then are planning on spending the evening with the neighbors, playing games or watching movies.....just "hanging out".
Tuesday, we will have a Christmas Feast at our house in Rock City and Amber's family will come out with maybe a few others.
I wish everyone a lovely day!
I am in the process of getting ready for work. I am a little tired because I woke up at about 3ish, got back to sleep for about 45 and then got up and zoned out in front of the TV snuggled up in my recliner. I have not tried out my voice yet. Last night in the evening it was starting to get better. My bathroom and kitchen island looks like a hospital with meds, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, throat relief strip packs etc. I am forever wiping up after myself to make sure Dave does not get this. I thought the appetite was coming back last night because I made myself some Tilapia but I am not in the least bit hungry this morning.
Cyber ((((hugs)))) to all at LWB.

Open RNY May 7
Good morning Pam and Lisa. Yes, today is my appointment with Dr. Guske at 1:15. Yikes, I am not looking forward to it. Can you say big weigh in? But I got to start somewhere. I hope he puts me on an antidepressant plus ordering some testing to see how my pouch and stoma is doing.
I know that this is what I need. I am positive that he will help bring me back to myself again.
I'll post either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Willow is coming over to my house later today. So at least I will have a good friend to be with.
Looks like another crummy Saturday into Saturday night weather nightmare. It's getting old!
Take care everyone!

Good morning Illinois! Boy you all get up early! I thought I might be the first this morning but that didn't happen. I have one more day of work then off for 11 days. I need it at this time of year. We have most of the Christmas pre-work done except I have to wrap the packages I bought for my partner. This is not one of my better skills! I hope all of you recover from the various illnesses you are dealing with--it's not a good time of year to be sick.
Take care, everyone and enjoy your Thursday! Connie
Gooooood Morning IL family. (can ya tell I watch Extreme Home Makeover? lol)
I actually woke up in a great mood this morning with my puppy snuggled up next to me in bed! he he he
I have to work, but if I finish all that needs to be done before Christmas I will have tomorrow off, which is good and bad....good because I have a million things to do around here, but bad because I won't be paid for it! oh well.
My gyne appt went well yesterday, however, his medical records won't work for the ins...there are 3 years in there that don't have weights. this sucks, but I will figure this out, I am determined that the ins will not win on this! lol
I have animal cages to clean, floors to scrub, fish take to clean and a million other things to do before family is coming over to celebrate Christmas Eve then....
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday and stay safe, I heard there are a lot of accidents out there this morning!
Love to you all!
Good morning IL, Pam good luck with your dr. visit, I too have one this afternoon,
Lisa you are going to be a very busy person for the next few days, Chris glad you are feeling some better, colds sure can get you down, Lucy hope you dr. can give you some help too,
I am all ready for Christmas just have to pick up a few thing for the meals, On Christmas Eve we are going to my oldest Sons and then Christmas day over to HD's Sisters house for dinner.
Not that I get to eat too much, lol
hope everyone has a good day,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Morning all!
I've got a lunch date with some friends from my "old" job. Won't have time to lunch with them once I start the new gig next year, so we wanted to get together one last time.
Then I have to go out to Woodmans. I'm totally out of my Calorie Countdown Chocolate milk. I tried to make my protein shake with plain old skim milk and it just didn't taste good at all
Lucy, good luck today at Doctor Guske's. I know he won't yell at you but take the steps you need to get things back on track.
I'm looking forward to Saturday night --- you and I have to do the NO SNOW dance so it doesn't spoil our plans
Also my brother flies in from Houston tomorrow afternoon and will be here through the holidays. I haven't seen him since July and miss him terrible. You know about baby brother's don't you?
Don't know what's going to happen yet on Sunday, but it's still early.
Hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Regards and hugs,

Hello all, another busy day. Yesterday, I went to my nutrition class and got all that good information. Today, I am off to get my ultrasound done at 6:15pm and tomorrow is the big day of getting my pre op testing done. My to do lists a getting a little shorter, and this weekend I should have it pretty much all done if I can keep on task. It is truly hard for me to do anything on the weekends as all I want to do is sleep and veg in front of the tv.
Chirs, glad to hear that your cold is going away and I hope that hubby does not catch it. Christina, how is your foot doing? Lucy, good luck with the Dr. today and I know you will be back to your old self soon.
Pam and Lisa, you seem to have a lot going on, but enjoy the time with your family and have a nice holiday.
Monica, good luck in finding the weights you need for the insurance. I wish I had some ideas, but my insurance company accepted my weigh****cher cards.
Well, back to work so I can stay busy and not eat or drink anything. This is harder than it seems, as I am usually drinking my water all day long. Oh well, I can not afford to mess up and have anything delayed.
I am hoping that if any of you have a chance I will welcome visitors. I will be having surgery at Alexian Brothers in Elk Grove Village. I need to find out if they have WIFI, as I am an anxious type personality will go nuts with nothing to do between walking and sleeping.