Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning everyone!! The day looks cold but at least the sun is shining today. I have to get ready to go to my psych eval today....test at 9:30 and appt at 11am. I told the boys that if I'm not home by the time they get home from school, I failed and they locked me in a little padded room! heh heh heh
After that I am hoping to finish my Christmas shopping. Still waiting to hear from Austyn's Dr about what we are going to do with him....lol
And I might have to take Shane to the vet, he's crying out in pain every once in a while and sometimes when we pet his right side. We dont' know if he does it to scare the other dogs when they get to close to his ball or bone or if he's really hurting...silly dog
I hope everyone has a great day and stays safe!
Love and hugs to all
Good Morning Monica & Illinois!
Good luck with the psych......it will be a breeze. You're no crazier than the rest of us!!! LOL
I took the vacuum back to the store, but since I threw away the box, they would only exchange it. So....I will save the box and if it breaks in a couple of weeks I will take all the stuff back to them and demand my money back so I can get something that works. Hopefully it will not come to that.
Does anyone know where I would take a high school letterman's jacket to have the numbers sewn on? It came with the big "Dakota" emblem sewn on the back, but I need to have his graduating numbers sewn on. The company said that I could call any dry cleaner....nope, they said to call a place that does alterations.....nope, they said to call a monogramer or embroidering place.......nope! I was hoping to have it done before Christmas, but time is running short. I may just have to try it by hand, but I don't want it to look bad. Any suggestions????
I am making lunch for the office today, omlettes and potatoes, I think. I may just do a skillet for the office and an omlette for myself, although a 1 egg omlette is kind of hard. Anyway, it will involve eggs, ham, potatoes, oinions, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.
Olivia and I have to finish up working on the shell ornaments and I want to get some baking done also.
I'm SO glad to see that Wendi's date is within this year. She will be a loser in 10 days!
That's it for me at the moment!
Everyone have a lovey day!
Hello Everyone!
My day has started off a little rough. On my way into work this morning, someone had hit a deer, and it was still alive and suffering in the middle of the road. I stopped to block traffic to keep it from causing another accident and then called the police. I then got out of the car and directed the traffic, so just in case the deer decide to flop into the other lane, I can get people to stop. It was truly upsetting, as this was a young male deer with at least 4 point rack. His rear legs had been crushed and his front legs were broken in several different places. The cops showed up about 20 minutes later and they had to shoot him. It made me sad and I cried, eventhough I understand how this works it is still upsetting. My chest is feeling heavy and I am already exhausted from all the stress that it caused. Just pile it on top of the stress of everything I need to get done prior to my big day.
Thank you to Ronna, as she was kind enough to talk to me on the phone last night. I thought I had all my questions answered but there are always those little things that you miss.
Well, I am off and running full steam here at work, as I got to get 8 accountants to our Booneville facility in Mississippi for a major audit issue. I have other projects that need tied up before I take off for surgery.
Everyone have a good day!
Hi Monica,
Hope all went well with your Phsyc exam. I know you'll do just fine.
I just got home. Had to go into the new company and turn in my offer letter and then go for a drug screen test. Everything is falling into place for me to start on January 2.
Then came home to lots of phone calls. Had to cancell my other health insurance effective 1/1/08....my new benes will start right away, which is so nice. Then made appointments to get my hair colored and cut before I have to start work, and with the holiday's in between that was not easy.
Now I have lots of reading to do. My soon to be boss sent me home with at least 10 pounds of stuff to read over before I start
...but I'm glad to do it.
Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.

Regards and hugs,

Well, better late than never and I finally had the energy to sit at the keyboard and check in with everyone. I came home from work at 10 this morning with a head cold/run to the potty thingy. The cold and throat part started on Sunday, felt yucky yesterday and stayed at work the whole day. Every surface I touched I had wipes there to clean up after myself as I did today. I am staying home tomorrow just to be on the safe side so I do not spread anything to anyone. I think that is where I picked it up at because there has been a bunch of things going around there.
Anyways, all I have felt like eating is chicken noodle cup 'o soup and toast. I can survive on that for a couple of days and I am sure that my appetite will come back soon enough. I am glad that I got all of my shopping done, presents wrapped and ready for Santa to deliver on Christmas morning. We are going to the Dells for a fast weekend on Friday until Monday morning then we need to be back to put the luminarias out for Christmas Eve night, plus we go to my niece and nephew's house in town for the evening.
Open RNY May 7