My sleep study last night and during the
night, the nurse came in and said my oxygen level was falling below 88 % for more than 5 min and put me on oxygen....does this mean for sure I have it ?? And if I do, will losing this weight cure it I have my banding scheduled Jan 29.....
Can it be just sheer exhaustion that causes the low oxygen ? My alloted max in term of hourly sleep at night is 6hrs, because of kids and work, so , no time soon will I ever get any more than that, except on the occasional day off.
Plus I am on Morphine because of my torn discs and I am sure that can put me into a deep sleep, right ?
01/08/09 52 lbs lost in one year post op.....[email protected]
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Revision on 04/19/13
I don't know if it was a cpap or oxygen ?>? It was up in the nose. I already had 2 there and she woke me to put a 3rd one there and it was run by a generator?? Whatever it was, had to answer a questionaire that askd me if I felt more rested or less rested or the same when I woke in the morning. I put down that I felt exactly the same, EXHAUSTED...??
01/08/09 52 lbs lost in one year post op.....[email protected]
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