Sunday Roll Call
Hi Lisa. I'm happy to see that you've been married for that long and especially considering your differences in religion. That is so wonderful. I'd always thought it would be interesting to marry someone of a different faith.
Sounds like your day wasn't too bad and you got some home time.
Take care and have a good evening.
Hugs, Lucy
Hi Wendi. I can relate to your soul searching about WLS. I did a lot of that myself. Going down clothes sizes is so thrilling. I loved every bit of it. Wait until you can shop and try on small sizes. You'll look at yourself in the mirror, can't believe it and then cry. It gets very emotional. The best one for me was being able to buy clothes without trying them on. And two piece swimsuits... I never thought I would be able to wear them and now I do.
Every day is better than the next. You have so much to look forward to.
Hope you got some rest this evening!
Hugs, Lucy
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