Friday Roll Call

on 12/13/07 8:14 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
WOOHOO Friday is here. What ya all got planned for today  We know what Wendi is doing and that is the happy . Now we have to start praying real hard for Kari that she gets answers to whether she is covered or not. Christina sorry about the doc not approving you to return to work. Ronna any word yet . Well, Dave and I went down to the Loop last night and had a great time. Talked with some great people while we were there. We also were filmed by ABC 7 and I do not know yet if it aired on the weather last night or not. The videographer said that he was taping for the weather segment. I went to bed before the news. Dave DVD'd it. I will find out later today what he says. We partly went down there to replace our cucu clock. We want an 8 day one. The one we have now does not run all the time or when it cucu's on the hour it goes for 15 times. This is our treat to ourselves. We want to go to a German restaurant in Glen Ellyn tonight to look at their clocks and then if we do not see anything there we will go back downtown on Tuesday and buy one of the two that we chose. I have a luncheon at work today. We usually do not work too hard on Friday's and this one will be no different, we will just work a lot less because we will stand around and yuck it up and talk and they (cops eat like there is no tomorrow!) will eat. We usually talk about old times and funny things that have happened in the past with former police members. Sometimes I almost pee my pants hearing some of it and reliving some of the storys that I was a part of. Have a great day all -  &  later 'gators.  Christine

Open RNY May 7


on 12/13/07 8:28 pm - Hoffman Estates, IL
Morning Chris! Well I have not had any word yet and I'm going a bit batty Haven't been sleeping to well, which is why I'm up so early.  Yesterday I registered for a pool memebership at the Center in Elgin.  They have a wonderful "therepy" pool that is always warm and is easily accessible for me (stairs and I still don't get along very well). I have to go and buy a combination lock and a travel hair dryer, but then I may just go over and spend some time excersing in the warm water.  That sounds so great! Can't jut sit here and wait all day or I will go bananas. Tonight I'm planning on going to the monthly support meeting through The Kane Group.  We are all suppose to bring a dish to pass making it a bit of a holiday party.  But I'm looking forward to just getting out and getting my mind onto something else. But who knows, maybe by then I'll have an offer to celebrate Hope everyone has a great day.  And please, if you have any left over vibes laying around, send them my way.
Regards and hugs,

on 12/13/07 9:13 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
My toes and fingers are crossed (in my mind). If I literally had them crossed I would not be typing , I digress  . . .  Enjoy support group. I am going to have to get there one of these days. Friday evenings always end up really busy for us.  Chris

Open RNY May 7


on 12/14/07 7:28 am - Hoffman Estates, IL
Chris, Starting in January, the support group will be on Saturday mornings.  That is going to work better for me too.  Hope to see you guys there sometime.
Regards and hugs,

Lisa Tucker
on 12/13/07 9:24 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good morning Chistine and Ronna and the rest of the Illinois Board. I am laying low today, got a few errands to run and dinner out tonight. If DH  is up to it, ( he gets lazy on his day off) we will do some holiday baking later. I am going to send my sister a bottle of olive oil that I got for her in Long Grove. They have a place called the Olive Tap, where you can get olive oil from different places and also basamic vinagars, You are allowed to sample any you want. I bought an oil from Spain, and a white sweet basamic vinagar.  Last night we went to Bloomington, Il to our granddaugthers "winter concert". It was nice seeing all the little girls dressed in their holiday dresses, and acting all grown up, and the boys in sweaters and slacks, not jeans. And all thier bright shining faces.   No major plans for the rest of the weekend.  Have a nice day. Lisa  3D Magical Snowman  Seasons Greetings 3D Santa  Santa's Cookies Reindeer  Elf


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 12/13/07 9:44 pm - North Aurora, IL
Good morning IL!  Looks like it's going to be a nice day weather wise, cold but sunny.  I can handle that.  Today is work....I have been very busy lately but that's a good thing, it makes the days go by quick.  Tonight Mike will take Austyn to his grandparents and Tyler and Jacob will go to a Friday night fun night at their school for a couple of hours.  Tomorrow morning MIke and I will take them to their dad's and do some Christmas shopping...we only have our own kids to buy for still.  Other than that, just the usual, homework and more cleaning... Have a great day everyone!!!



birder I.
on 12/13/07 9:51 pm - Rockford, IL
Hi Illinois--off to work today to finish up a project and then some minor shopping ahead. I have a party tonight and my work party is tomorrow night. This year I am looking forward to getting dressed up! I hope all of you get the answers you want today! It took me 11 months to work through Cigna but it was worth the wait (but frustrating at the time). I didn't find out about this board until right before surgery. It certainly seems to help to have people pulling for you. Have a good day! Connie
on 12/13/07 9:55 pm - Ottawa, IL
My date is coming over tonight for pizza and a movie. I am excited!! Date number 2. He gets to meet my dog so that is the real test, she can sense evil!! Tomorrow night I have a holiday party to go to and take my dog to vet for allergy shot!! Sunday is laundry day
C. Richardson
on 12/13/07 10:00 pm
Good Morning IL - Not much going on here.  Still wobbling along and wishing I did not have this darn cast on my leg.  I'm getting a bit depressed.  I am bored, I find myself eating just because and I can't exercise and I'm stuck in the house and can not physcially get the house the way I want it for the holidays.  It really stinks. Calvin is off today and tomorrow so I have a "honey do" list a mile long    I bet he'll wish he was working. Hope everyone has a great day!   I talked to my boss and he told me to take the 24th - 26h off which means now I'm scheduled to go back on the 27th.  Christina
on 12/13/07 10:29 pm - Chicago, IL
Morning Chris and IL, Not too much going on today.  This weekend I will have a mad dash to do all my Christmas shopping as I' ve not done much between this bronchial thing and my sisters surgery.  She ended up being in the hospital for 10 days, far longer than expected but she had some major complications. Chris- That market is wonderful and it gives a special holiday feel to the area.  I hope you have luck with your clock.  Ronna, I am still keeping parts crossed for you and good news of an offer :-) Christina- That doctor sounds like a :Grinch" sending you back to work on Christmas eve. I am hoping you are on the mend soon with little to no pain. I heard snow is in the air for tomorrow, I just hope I can be done with my shopping by then. Everyone have a wonderful warm and healthy weekend. Mary
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