I want to cry!(and kick and scream and break something) vent vent vent
I AM SOOOOO FRUSTRATED AND DEPRESSED AND ANGRY AND AND..... I can't even think of how I feel right now I'm so ughhhhh....... Sooooooo - way back in Feb 07, Dr. Kane's group called my insurance company about my benefits and they told me that I need to do a 6 month supervised, psych eval and dietition visit. After some minor and major set back's, I have completed all requirements and all info was sent to the insurance company for review. Today, the insurance company informs them that in no way do they cover any weight loss anything. WHAT???????????? WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD THEY TELL ME I NEEDED TO DO 6 MONTHS SUPERVISED ETC...?????? I am now out hundreds of dollars in Dr. visits and psych eval costs and prescriptions and they are going to do nothing for me? What the &^%# is that all about??? Is this just standard operating procedure or am I really at the end of the road here? I am so hurt and hopeless right now I just want to cry. Does anyone have any words of wisdom for me? Do I keep pressing for the insurance company to cover this or do I just roll over and die??? Thanks, Kari
