Wednesday Roll Call
Hey everyone,
I am soooo mad right now! I drove all the way to Huntley outlet mall to do some price adjustments and all I got back was .43 cents. I used a friend and family coupon and that's way. I have the worst sinus infection( agian ) and I am feeling like crap!!!
I got an e-mail from the lawyers office late last night and they have resummited my case to BCBS. They are going to follow up in 10 days or so. They highly suggested I get a thyroid test done. I think I have already have had that done, but if I have they will fax the info over to them. If they denie me again, then my mom said she would co-sign for me, since my husband doesn't want anything to do w/ this! I just hope my mom will be true to her word...she had a bottle of wine or so when she told me this!!!! Better get going...I have to make christmas cards for the bus driver and mail lady! Have a great day and be safe!!!
HI Kim!
Sorry to hear that you have another sinus infection. I have a suggestion for you that will help.
(My son has a long and sordid history of sinus trouble including a couple of surgeries---so we have been there; done that.)
Anyway: Go to your friendly neighborhood Walgreens, CVS, Kroger/Hilander or GNC and purchase the "Sinucleanse". This was invented by David's sinus doctor from Madison. It costs about $15.00. You can use it many times a day when you are infected and it will make a WORLD of difference. Actually, David's case was a bit more complicated than most and he had to have surgery, but for a lot of people, "washing your nose" (as Dr. Heatley says) will help you avoid surgery.
David still uses it a few times a week and I do it whenever I feel the least bit stuffy. I have turned a few people on to this and they all say it is THE BEST.
You can also look it up at It will be the best $15.00 you ever spent!
I hope this helps!
Hi all! I am well...been very busy at work plus DW has been out of town on business. She comes home today, Yay!
As for the Sinuscleanse, it is great! My wife and I do that whenever we start to detect an oncoming sinus infection.
But, I have to correct you as to who invented the Neti Pot. It has been around 'forever'.
"Nasal irrigation is an ancient technique, originating from the Ayurvedic practice of Jala neti (literally: "water cleansing"), which involves regularly flooding the nasal cavity with warm salty water."
Hi George!
I am SO glad to see that someone else knows I am not crazy (at least not for THIS reason)!
You are correct----she did not invent the IDEA, but she DID invent this particular product. Since she is a pediatric ENT, she needed something that was unbreakable and light and easy to use for her young patients.
We actually purchased a different system for David originally that uses a squeeze bottle (in fact, he prefers this method). What we have found is that the saline/soda packets that come with the Sinucleanse are a bit milder than those that were provided with the squeeze bottle. So, my crazy son has to use the bottle, but he uses Dr. Heatley's formulation for the saline. If you are interested, I can look around my house......she gave me the recipe in case I did not want to purchase the packets. I have not come to that yet as there were so many packets provided with the pot that I haven't run out yet.
That is SO COOL that you know about this!!!!
Thanks for the suggestions!!!! I will pickit up next time I am out! Maybe you can help me Dawn or George. Since the time I was pregnet w/ Maddie my nose and whole face was swollen. My nose grew about 3 times the normal size which caused me to be stuffy and have difficult breathing! I started using AFRIN nose spray. That helped, but I kept using it everyday to keep my nose clear. Since then...five years later...I'm still using it and I REALLY need to get off of this stuff! I went to a EMT and they said I have a deveated septum sp? and might need surgery. I since have blow it off. But really....I as so sick of these sinus infections!!!!! Thanks for the you think that that sinus stuff will help me get off the afrin?
I think that the sinus rinse should help you get off the Afrin. Five years of that stuff, your body is addicted. You can use the sinus rinse as often as you wish, so you should use the rinse INSTEAD of the Afrin.
The rinse should help you even if you DO have a deviated septum, although, after regular use, you may not have the problem any more. At least I hope so.
Good Luck!
Hey kids, I know it is a little late for me to be up but I fell asleep earlier for about 2 hours now I am just lounging around until I get sleepy again and will crash until I need to get up. Glad everyone had a great day and yes it was nice to see the sun for once, but do not get used to it because it is supposed to disappear again tomorrow.
Well, I made a haul with the gifts for the nieces and nephews. I love shopping for them because it is a blast to see them open their gifts on Christmas morning. We spend our whole day with my brother, SIL and his boy's families. I also got all the fixins' for Friday at work. We had UPS ring our chimes this evening and found a Honey Baked Ham delivered from one of Dave's customers. Hey wait the sales guy is supposed to send the gifts!
What a role reversal and pleasant surprise. One of the girls at work wanted to buy a spiral ham and we talked her out of it because of the expense. I am pleased that I could contribute that way.
Well, need to start winding down and go to

Open RNY May 7