Ins Now Wants What! (Long Vent)
Ok, so today I was supposed to get an answer on wether I was approved or not. Did it happen? No! I called around 5:30 from my department holiday social. I am officially getting the run around once again.
Ins Lady: Did you ever do a 6 month supervised diet?
Me: Ummm, what do you mean? This is not one of the requirements that you asked for 2 months ago.
Ins Lady: Your diet history shows that you where on diet pills back in 2000, how long was this for?
Me: About 7 months, But I have done Weigh****chers off and on for since 2000.
Ins Lady: Weigh****chers counts as supervised diet. I need a weight history for the last five years.
Me: Umm, I have not been to the doctor since 2000.
Ins Lady: Can you write down your a journal history of your weight for the last 5 years and fax it to me tomorrow?
Me: Sure, no problem
Ins Lady: When I get that then I will send it up for review, and we will see what happens
OK, Now I am upset, depressed, and crying at my holiday gathering that I worked so hard in organizing. I am now wanting to asking these questions:
1. When I talked to her on Friday, why did she not ask for it then? She said she had everything
2. If it was something that the reviewer wanted, then why did she not call me earlier so I could do it and fax it right away from work and it could be reviewed?
3. What else do you ******** need? I am truly getting tired of this...
I told my husband when I got home, so help me if she jerks me around again I will be going to her supervisor, and so help me. If the military insurance wants to give me the run around, I will be more than happy to contact my senator. It is truly amazing what playing politics can do with the IRS and the Military jerking you around. So, now I sit here needing to finish my final assignments, but I am depressed, and angry to the point of just going to bed. I know that it was not going to be easy, but geez when I am the one who is very proactive in making sure that I am approved by getting everything they need it. Ok, so now I apologize for being whiny but there was no other place for me to go and talk.