I need some support
I have not been posting lately..I am very depressed. I do alot of crying. I have terrible hunger and I never seem to feel full. I am not able to get my first fill till the 18th. I talked with my pysch doc he says the holidays are coming and with our financial stress its reasonable. I try to think of others problems and put mine on the back burner. Please keep me in your prayers.
Revision on 04/19/13
Marilyn, I feel your hurt. Please donot give in to your depression or overeat. Have a snack if you need one, something with a lot of protein in it. You will get through this. You know we are all in this together.
Thinking of you,
I know the winter can be bad for lots of folks. Stay with the protein--it will help. Ask yourself if the hunger is head hunger, journal, pray, make a gratitude list, get some sunshine any day that it is possible (and as early in the morning as possible). Spend time with children who giggle, read a good book, exercise and think positively. "I am enough" or "I deserve good health and weight loss". Keep hanging out on this board! Good luck! Connie