vertical sleeve in ill
Hello, welcome to the IL board, glad you stopped in and asked a question. I am not familiar with the cost of self pay for this procedure but I do have the link for the doctors in IL that do the procedure.,doclisting/type,46/ I would also highly recommend my doctor Jeffrey Rosen in Downers Grove for your surgery as he is not too far from you. There are many on the board that have him as their surgeon.
Good luck and stop into the daily roll call when you can.
Open RNY May 7
Thank you Sharee , for responding to my question I got some info on Dr Prachad and the true is I'am littl upset becauz the price is too much so crazy for the RNY they told me it was 60,000!!!! and I call 3 differants surgeons and all charge for the VSG beteen 20,25,000 and seens I'am a self pay a have to look closly for a good surgeon and some one that i can afford ,I'am calling a surgeon in michigan Dr Pleatman the'er some patient in the vsg forum and they are very happy , i realy whant to have the surgery in my home town but if i have to travel is find any way is not so far way from home maybr 3,4 hrs,