Member long time ago back 2003,04 and 05 looking for my old friends
I am an old timer who use to post on this board back in 03,04 and 05 when I lived in Il. I ran a support group in Belleville, Il at the college and i am looking to find all you guys that use to post that I talk to on here. I see no old face of offense to any of you other ones on here just would like to catch up on old times and see how life is treating them now
Your welcome to email me [email protected]
ps photo's and updates on profile. I had left and came back to the website
Take care any help with updates would be great
Your welcome to email me [email protected]
ps photo's and updates on profile. I had left and came back to the website
Take care any help with updates would be great
Hey Marsha! I'm here. I dont have time to post a whole lot anymore, my life is really really busy as I've been working full time, I started back to school in Oct, I'm in the process of a divorce, and taking care of 3 kids, so its left me very little time to be on the computer. But I'm still around.. just not as much. But on a good note since July, I've lost almost another 50 lbs.. so thats a plus on my part.. hell.. if I knew divorce was going to do that to me, I would have done that a longggg time ago. Haha