2 months out!
I had my RNY on 10/02/07 weighing 427! I weighed on 12/03/07 I was 379!!!! Down 48 pounds! I am SO Thankful for WLS I could not have done this on my own! I am noticing that my emotions are all over the place... and that I really was a person who ate according to my emotions as stupid as this will sound I didn't believe I did that until now. I am also seeing hairs all over my shirt! I hope that doesn't get really bad... I would much rather have improved health over my hair but I don't want to be bald! Also my DH was laid off from work yesterday and of course I am worried a bit this is not the time for this to happen... He went to unemployment today and if he filed today he would get like 1/2 of what he would get if he waited to file in January! AGGGH... He went to a temp service as well so PRAYERS please! He does Construction and has done that type of work for about 15 years! I am hoping that he can find an inside job that is all year round that would be a blessing! Blessings to all of you! Jenn

Before/Current 427/235
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Jenn,
Congrats on the 48 lbs gone forever. I am sure you are really going to miss them, NOT! From what I have read, some hair loss is normal. But check with your Dr. He is the only one that can really tell you.
I am sorry that your DH got layed off , It is never a good time, but 3 weeks before the holidays really suck.
Dear Jenn!
Wow, that weight loss is awesome!
Concerning the emotional part------YES, that is VERY NORMAL. Just hang in there, those hormones will settle down eventually. The worst of it for me was between months 7 & 8---I thought I was going to kill someone----everyone and everything ticked me off. Normally, I am NOT that kind of person, and it upset me quite a bit, but I could not help it. I was told that the fast weight loss releases stored hormones and causes all kinds of emotional roller coasters.
I will be saying a prayer for your husband to find something suitable soon.