I guess I can stop whining now.....
I know I have been whining for the last couple of months about not losing anything even though I am working my *** off. Although I STILL have not lost anything (actually GAINED 3 lbs. over the weekend......), I took my measurements this morning and guess what?????
I HAVE LOST ALMOST 8 INCHES TOTAL SINCE 10-27-07!!!!!!! (2 of them off of the aforementioned ***.)
That is the biggest loss of inches since the very first couple of months!
I have not noticed any changes in my clothes, but maybe that is because of all the layers I am wearing these days!
Every other time I measured, it was OVER my clothes (shirt & jeans) and this morning, it was just in my underwear. I thought the measurements would be a bit higher without clothes "holding me in", but I was surprised.
So.......I will TRY to be patient and hope that the scale starts moving soon. At least it shows that all my hard work is doing SOMETHING!!!!!
Just wanted to share!