Tuesday Roll Call
Post Date: 12/4/07 5:39 am
Good Morning IL -
I don't have much to report since I've been keeping myself under the covers the last few days. I did get a call from my mother late last night, my sis is out of recovery and doing as well they say. It looks "clean" whatever that really means. No other news at this time.
I woke up to a throbbing foot this morning. I'm getting ready to eat some breakfast so I can take my meds. Other then the throbbing, I'm doing fine.
Please keep Janet and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers as hubby faces hand surgery today.
Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning IL -
I don't have much to report since I've been keeping myself under the covers the last few days. I did get a call from my mother late last night, my sis is out of recovery and doing as well they say. It looks "clean" whatever that really means. No other news at this time.
I woke up to a throbbing foot this morning. I'm getting ready to eat some breakfast so I can take my meds. Other then the throbbing, I'm doing fine.
Please keep Janet and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers as hubby faces hand surgery today.
Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Christina!
I'm sorry your foot is throbbing, but hopefully it means that you are healing. Janet and her hubby are in my prayers today that they can save his finger. those infections can be bad, it's crazy.
Today I will head to work and work on items for the Geneva Fire Department...there's a ton so it will keep me busy for the rest of the week.
I have my 5th NUT appt this afternoon and I have to drive to Addison, please have good thoughts that the snow will hold out until I am home.
I also have to call the Kane center to let the girls know that this is my 5th appt and what do I do next...they told me to call around this time. I also need to call Austyn's Dr and get him an appt for the ADD testing. I won't even get into what's been going on with him, but it's not good and I am at a loss.
Well have a great day everyone and stay safe as this terrible storm they are talking about comes through!!
Hugs and love to all!
Good Morning Christina, Monica and the rest of Illinois!
Glad to see that you are feeling a bit better, enough to post anyway. I'm also glad to hear that your sister is doing well. Keep taking care of yourself so you can heal completely.
Monica, I hope your cold is better and if there is any way I can help, or you just need to talk, PM me. We go through periods of great calm, then periods of great stress with David too. Right now, we are in a good place, but I understand the low spots.
Marilyn's grandson is beautiful!
I have had the morning from HECK so far. I had trouble getting up with the alarm, I slept through it for over 10 minutes (1 deaf ear will do that for you.....). Then I got up and did my work out--still runnig a bit late. As I started to pull my car out of the driveway, I thought that it did not really feel right, but figured that was because of all the ice. Once I got onto the highway, I realized that it was definately my car so I pulled over under the first light I could find, and sure enough.....my rear driver's side tire is flat! So I drive my car back home really slowly, go up to wake my husband to change it and he was also having trouble getting up. I then decided to take his car so that he caould change the tire when he felt like getting up..... (I HATE driving his car!) So, I get all my stuff from my car and push the button for his garage and the door goes up about a foot and a half and STOPS! The darn thing has been sticking and it takes 3-4 tries to get it up enough to pull the car out.
Once on my way, I find that his car takes FOREVER to warm up. I actually started feeling warm enough when I pulled into the street I work on----45 minutes later!
Oh well.....I am here and the day hopefully gets better fom here on out!
I hope everyone has a lovely day!
Good morning Christina, and IL
I am doing ok today, I got a shot in my Knee yesterday, so today it feels some better, I start PT on thru, for strenghing of my leggs and knees, as they are weak and my dr. thinks that is why I have problems with my blance and with all my leg pain,
Chirstina, glad you are feel a little better,
Monica, I am sorry that your son is giving you problems. I went through it with my youngest son and when we put in on Ritalin he was like a whole new person,
hope the snow holds off for you today ,drive safe
Dawn it sounds like it was friday the 13ths for you this morning, I also hate to drive my HD car it is just not the same as our own , Hope you have a better day and night,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good evening all. I am finally home from some errands and work. It was a busy day with work related things. With a 24/7 office there is always work to plow through from the previous shifts.
I got our two grab bag gifts bought for support group on Thursday - a "Man" and a "Girlie" present, one each. Should be a blast just like last year. Christina do you think that you and Calvin are going to make it? If you are not there I can understand why.
Have a few things to do around the house tonight. I remembered that I had a bunch of "upstairs" decorations in the storage area and I brought them out yesterday. Some of them are for the main floor so that is what I am doing tonight, then I will get some dinner and afterwards sit down to watch some TV, probably House Hunters on HGTV and Rick Steve's on WTTW Create later on.
Hope everyone had a great day.
ps anyone hear from Lucy?
Open RNY May 7
Greetings everyone,
Boy is it snowing hard here!!! Not much going on here except kids,kids,kids. The latest update I have from the lawyer is that he is finalizing the paperwork and going to resubmitt and then follow up w/ in 10days. I feel I have been patient through this whole thing...I just hope good news will come my way. I need something positive in my life!!!! Everyone keep warm and be safe out there!!!
Well hello all,
It was another long day at work, and the drive home in the snow was no picnic. Instead of coming directly home, I went to pick up my daughter from school. So by the time I got home it was 9:30 and there was at least 2-3 inches of snow. My husband will be going out to plow driveways at 1am in the morning, and then he will have to work pretty much through the day. So he is going to be a grouchy old bear till he gets some sleep
Well, today was what one would call a "Red Letter Day". This morning I got a call from my financial aid counsler at school, and not only did I get my loans for the next school year, but I also qualified for grants.....hurrah!!!!!
Then when I got home tonight I checked my email, and I had a note from Dr. Hart's office regarding my over night pulse oximeter test results. The good news is that I do not have sleep apnea, but there was a tiny part of me that wish I did because it would pretty much gaurnatee me being approved for the surgery. They said they would send the results over to the surgeons office, so tomorrow I will call and find out when they can expect it as this was the last thing I needed for the insurance company to review the request.
I am now stressing over the fact that I will be denied, and what am I going to do if I am.