Wednesday Roll Call
Keep two windows open girls before you post your roll call, hit refresh on one to see if there is a roll call that has been posted then you can click submit for yours if there isn't one there. I do it all the time.
Sorry, been really busy and I cannot imagine why . . . Dec 8th maybe? Been doing a decorating frenzy here at home. I have so much Christmas decorations that I put them out in groupings, like snowmen, Santas, Nativities, salt and pepper shakers . . . you get the picture. There is so much detail. I have been taking a lot of my decorations and donating them to the resale shop in town in recent years and some othe rest is just plain junk. We cut back on the invite list this year; we have had up to 180 people at our house in the past. It is a stand up party, LOL. Too many people for me and this year I am sure that some will not be happy because we are not letting anyone
in our house
for us but too
bad, so sad for them. I am tired of the stink for days afterwards.

Open RNY May 7