Wednesday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois friends.
Please keep Christina's sister in your prayers as she will be shortly having a mastectomy for cancer. I know that you will!
Hope that Dee's foot is getting better.
And Christina's foot surgery is only two days away! I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Did I miss anyone? If I did, I'm sorry but I am so sleepy as I write this.
This gal is getting tired of being in a recliner. It is getting old fast. My face is still swollen and I have some bruising on my chin. I wont' even go into the lipo bruising and swelling.
Our party is less than a week away! YAY!!! Remember that all IL board friends are invited. We will have a great time. I'm not sure what I am going to wear yet. I may land up wearing a robe with a wig.
So how is Wednesday treating you so far?
Kristen, I hope your gas pains are resolving.
Take care,

Hi Christina. I feel more for you as you seem to always have something happening in your family. How you remain chipper, I don't know. I admire you.
My recovery is nothing like what you and the family are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it's not going to be easy with the foot surgery. I sure hope that you have a speedy recovery.
It's times like this when friends mean the most. Thank you for being my friend!
Good morning Lucy,
Boy...I have been thinking about you! I hope you are feeling better. Just think about the end result! Those men won't be able to keep thier hands off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a real bad sinus infection and am going to the doctor today. I hope I am feeling better by Saturday. take care and talk to ya soon.
Hi Miss Pam. Soon we will meet... the 2 troublemakers. Oh, my!
My head is still crusty around the hairlines - by the ear and neck. I need to get the stitches out. I think he will take them out on Monday. That's going to be an OUCHIE visit. Now I look like someone punched me in the chin. I'm bruised on both sides.
You are coming to my house before the party, right??? Around 3.
We'll have to talk before you come over.
Hope you are feeling well.