Tuesday Morning Roll Call
Well, it looks like most of IL is in bed trying to stay warm this morning
It is definitely quite brisk outside. I am sitting here at work trying to complete some pre year end accounting stuff. Planning holiday activities for us here in the department. Other than that, I plan on loading some stuff on the lap top I got for my DD for Christmas, and doing a little homework myself.
I go see the pulmonologist on Thursday, and this is just one more step closer.
What is everyone else up to?

Hi Wendi!
I guess everyone IS pretty busy this morning/afternoon!
I am just working away, as usual.
After work, I am going to the jewelry store to drop off my rings to be re-sized!!!! I wanted to wait until I was done losing, but since I am a year out and have not lost anything for over 3 months, I think it is safe. Also, the jeweler told me that no matter how much I lose, my knuckles will not get any smaller, and I guess she was right. As it is right now, I have my wedding ring on my pointer (first) finger, and it is sliding a little. My right hand ring has a plastic sizer on it, but it is still sliding all around. I can't wait to get them back when they will fit. I also really like getting them back from the jewelers because they clean them up so nice and they just sparkle like crazy. I will miss them while they are gone though. I guess it is a small WOW moment, and a Non-Scale Victory!
I am glad to see that you are getting another step behind you. How many more are left?
I hope everyone is having a lovely day, and come on out and let us know what's going on!!!!!
Good afternoon. I didn't get a chance to get on the puter before work this morning. I was helping Jacob get things together for a field trip to the Field Musuem today. I hope he had fun. I worked all day, great day today at work, came home and have been going through mail and misc stuff. I will be heading out to Tyler's basketball game in a bit.
Other than watching House tonight, won't be doing much! lol
Hi everyone! I had a super busy day at work. I missed yesterday because I had such bad gas pains I couldn't move. Today I feel like I am 2x the size I was a week ago. So bloated and blah. Karyn at the Kane Center insists gas is normal at this stage, but this is crazy. On a lighter note, I bought the Homedics Brethe Air Revitalizer. It is AMAZING. My house smells like freshly made margaritas
Hope everyone had a good day!