Where do I start??
I have been contemplating bariatric surgery for a long time. I finally have an insurance that covers it, but I don't know where to begin. Do I need my regular Dr. to refer me or can I just go to a Bariatric surgeon and let them do the paper work? If I have to have my regular Dr. refer me does anyone know of one that is "Pro" surgery, that will give me a referal without a alot of issues? I live in Galesburg and would especially love to hear from others in this area and their experiences.
I have no idea where Galesburg is but wanted to let you know my experience. I first contacted my insurance company to make sure it was covered or at least a portion. I then found a surgeon who helped me thru all the hoops. I did have to have a complete physical by my family dr whi*****luded a pap and mamogram and had to have her sign off on the surgery.
I take it your dr is not for wls? Have you discussed it with them?
Good Luck to you!
Revision on 04/19/13
I am not sure about Galesburg, butI know there are Dr.s in Peoria. I wouls call your insurance company and ask to speak to a bariatric specialist. Then, from what they say, or send you, you can pick who you can go to. Then, the next step is to go to a seminar, and listen to all that is said there.
. In my case, I could go to one of 4 hospitals and only one medical group. I did what theysaid to the letter and did not have any problems.
Good Luck.