Update:Last one didn`t post

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/07 12:55 am, edited 11/23/07 2:39 pm - Effingham, IL

Hello everybody.I`m sorry I havn`t posted in a while.I hope y`all had a great Thanksgiving.I wanted to do a post yesterday but I didn`t go to bed the night before till about 2:30 am & woke up at 8am and was busy all day cooking,cleaning as usual.Well my consult with Dr.Ayloo was Oct.5th.All I had to do was get my spych eval,go see the Cardiologist,and the dietician/nut.I got the nut appt.done right away.But medicaid`s transportation dept.First transit, kept screwing me over with approving transportation to the other two.They denied my spych eval 4 times.

The 1st was because when they called to validate my appt.the girl they spoke to wouldn`t tell them what my appt.was for.I called the Drs.office & she said they could not legally tell them that info unless they had aproval from me.So I had to talk to the dept.mngr and went thru her from there on.I gave my approval.I had to reschedule my appt.because 1st trans.needs 3-5 work days to approve trransportation.I called them back & gave them all the info they needed AGAIN.Waited 3 days,called back,trip denied again.Said the Dr.I was seeinmg wasn`t a liscenced spychiatrist.It went on & on from there till my mom  offered to take me on my last try with 1st trans.So I called them and politely canceled my transportation request.I got to the appt.& forgot that the last time I had to see her for this she wanted me back a second time.So my mom is taking me again Monday.On my birthday!!

Every time I had to reschedule an appt.would put me one week behind in getting this surgery done.I saw the Cardiologist right away but again I`d forgotten that the last time they wanted me to have an echocardiogram.1st transit denied my transportation to that appt.twice & I had to reschedule that one twice.And after that they finally approved it.So I go to have the echocardiogram Tuesday.I got my mom to go with me on this one.The last one scared me pretty good.My chest hurt so friggin bad I was crying,couldn`t hardly breathe & was sick to my stomach by the time they got me off the table.I really didn`t want to do this trip to Springfield by myself this time.Sooooo,after these two appts.are done I have to wait till Dr.Ayloo gets the papers on these appts.wait for her to get aproval from Medicaid which should take no more than a couple weeks then she will schedule me to see her again.At that appt.if she see`s no problems she will set my date

My credit card will be maxed out by the time I get these last two trips to Chicago made.But as long as there`s enough on there to make the trip for the surgery I`ll wory about debt later.My sugar has been up since around Sept.since I quit smoking because when I quit I attacked the Kitchen like a bear looking for honey.

I could not stop myself.I`ve been eating & eating ever since.My son says ahhh mom it`s all in your head.I keep trying to remind myself he`s only 14.What does he know!!!I hate it when people tell me that! I put on 11 pounds since I quit smoking.I`ve been having real bad pain in my right knee that I`ve had problems with since Feb.These dang Drs.I been going to,my pcp took xrays in May,said nothing showed up but some swelling.Sent me to have an mri in June,said I had degenerative changes in the knee & some bone spurring.Said to keep losing the weight it`ll help.Sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. in August.He wouldn`t do anything but put me thru physical therapy.Says it`s because of my weight & lack of excersize.Told me to keep trying to lose the weight. I go thru the therapy for 3 weeks,which was my 3rd time this year with no results.I told them this & that the therapy is making my knee hurt worse but they insist on putting me thru it again anyway.The therapy was so hard on me it caused muscle problems from my lower back close to the tail bone,down the buttocks & back of the thigh.It hurt soooo friggin bad I would cry to move or even twitch! It was like a constant pulled muscle that would not release I went down into the bed for almost that whole month.The only thing that did not hurt me was to lay on my right side with pillows between my knees.By the end of the month I went to the ER.They gave me a shot of muscle relaxer in one hip,pain killer in the other,gave me a script for each of what they gave me,vicodin & the muscle relaxer.I saw my doc the next day & he put me on prednisone.That combo of meds stopped the pain completely.I was up walking cleaning my house,I was a happy camper

But once the prednisone were gone the pain came back.but not quite as bad.So he sent me to this other dr sometime in late Oct.Also an Orthopedic surgeon..I almost smacked him in the mouth!!! He was very rude and mean.Said I have arthritis in the knee,denerative changes & a bone spur.Said "there`s nothing I can do for you at this point.You just need to stop eating and get up & excersize!You have an excersize bike?get on it & use it" 

I told him I had been trying to lose the weight,that I`ve been on adepex for over a year but it had stopped working.And I was still on it because it at least stops me from over eating,I was walking around town to appts.& things at least 3 days a week till this knee took a turn for the worst till it hurt me so bad I couldn`t walk  up the street.& told him I was in the process of getting WLS.He turned and asked me what do you need that for?(As if to say I don`t need WLS to lose weight.That I just needed to get off my fat lazy -ss & move).That`s the way he made me feel by his exspression & tone.I asked if there was something he could put me on to keep me out of pain till I got my surgery and he said no!And he told me the same thing AGAIN!!!

He said you don`t need WLS.You just need to stop eating & start excersizing.Well if I could do that I wouldn`t be quiring to get WLS now would I sweetheart!!! The nurse led me out of the room crying.I got up to the check out counter & the more time went by the madder I got.I told the receptionist "yeah.He tells me to lose weight in a tone as if he thinks I`m just a fat lazy slob.  I think he could lose some weight in the belly himself.I looked at her still crying & politely & told her I would not be back there ever again! So a few days ago I found a bottle of Naproxen I had,started on them twice a day,took 1 vicoin pr day & my muscle relaxers twice a day.Low & behold that combo is working.Not as well as the prednisone but good enough to get up and move without crying in pain.Now if I can just get all the swelling in my feet & hands to stop.Been doing that since October.Been taking my water pill & potassium & it works,but the next day after being up for about an hour the feet are swelling again.Sometimes my hands are swollen when I wake up.And BIG too.And every day I`m in tears.wanting hoping wishing to get this wls done so I can begin the losing process & get these dang medical problems off my back!!.And that`s my update for now.Happy "late"Thanksgiving to all my OH friends. KimberlyB

Lisa Tucker
on 11/23/07 6:18 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Kim, I am so sorry for all you have been going through these last couple of months. But even if you dod "gain" 11  lbs, you are still getting healthier by the day, and saving money since you are not spending it on cigarettes.  Onc you can get the surgery, you will forger what a hassel it was,  Happy Holidays to you. 3D Magical Snowman  Lisa


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


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