Pre-op Visit with Plastic Surgeon
Hi Luckyme! I was going to email you today. I am going through my emails on OH and clearing some of them out.
I am taking a week off. It's going to be tough especially with all the lipo I am having done. Willow is coming to stay with me tonight and then taking me to the surgicenter.
I was going to ask you if you are coming to the party on the 1st? It's going to start at 4 pm and last until the last person goes...
Thanks for thinking of me!
Yes, I can come to your party! I'm working overnight the night before, so 4:00 gives me time for my beauty rest. I'll pm you with food ideas.
I wasn't that sore from thigh lipo. I had it done with my TT and breasts. I had pain pumps in those areas. I didn't need any pain meds while the pumps were in or even after they were out except for my back which was sore from hunching over. Even though my thighs were very bruised, my PS wasn't very aggressive with the lipo so you may be more sore. In fact for next visit with my PS, I'm going to talk to him about sucking out more. Until recently, they were a little sore when I jogged, but it was pretty minor.
I love my new girls, but small breasts are in now. I saw my SIL yesterday who is the same bra size as me and was naturally gifted so she didn't have to buy her beautiful breasts. She is an LA native, but now lives in Wisconsin and she said "I want to have small breasts like all the other girls here."
Say "Hi" to Willow for me.