Hi everyone.I`m sorry I havn`t been posting.I`ve got so many things on here it`s hard to get to all of them.I do a lot of surveys on here for different sites to try and make a little bit of xtra Christmas money and I know it`s not worth my time for what they pay & how long it takes just to come up with 25-30.00,And I have a few sites where you play games for points & prizes to get gifts for people.Then I got into getting free stuff.OMG I have tons of sites where they give links to free samples & contests & sweeps to enter to win stuff.Then I have my myspace page.Anyway.I`ve been thinkin about ya`ll.Been meaning to post but my mind is VERY easily distracted these days & I keep forgetting to post on here.Things are going VERY slow thanks to Medicaids transportation dept.First Transit.All I had to do was see a nutritionist,a cardiologist & have the spych.eval.I got the nut appt.done right away but 1st transit denied my transportation to the spych.eval 3 times for different reasons.The last time my mom had an appt.in Mattoon the same morning & said she could take me & I didn`t want to take any chances in them denying me again so I called and canceled my transportation request for that one.They denied me on my echocardiogram in Sprinfield too.If they do not have all the correct info about the appt.they will deny transportation for it.So,the spych.Dr.wants to see me again which she did the same thing last time I went thry this,so I have to see her on the 26th which is my birthday and the echocardiogram has been reset for the 27th.Hopefully 1st transit will not deny me again.I have to call tomarrow to see if the have approved me or not.I told them they have set me back at least a month on getting my surgery.
Then yesterday I went to an Orthopedic surgeon about my right knee and he had me balling by the time I left there.Said I have arthritis in my knee,a bone spur and degenerative changes.He said there was nothing he could do that I just need to stop eating and start excersizing.TWICE he said this to me.In a tone as if to say I`m just too lazy to get off my fat a~~And would not listen to me about being on adapex for over a year,that I was walking 3-4 days a week to dr.appts.untill the pain got so bad I couldn`t walk anymore,or do any of much at all of my housework because of not only the knee pain but the back pain and the muscle pains that shoot down the buttocks like strained muscles.It`s all I can do to get around my apt..And I told him I was waiting to get WLS And asked if he could put me o something to keep me out of pain untill I got the suregery done.and he said what do you need that for in a tone as if to say I don`t need surgery to lose weight.Said AGAIN there was nothing he could do.That I just need to stop eating & start excersizing.To get an excersize bike & use it.UHHM I have arthritis in my knee.Wouldn`t that be bad for my knee?Riding a bike?My WLSurgeon told me to stay off that bike.I told the nurses he needs to lose some weight in the belly area himself and that I WOULD NOT be back in that office EVER AGAIN!!! I was balling by the time I left his office.I was upset and depressed all day yesterday.and cried half the day.I am proud to say however that I am officially a non smoker! I started Sept.2nd,it took a few weeks of cheating,melt downs & making my family scared to death to be around me but by the 3rd week of Sept.I put them away and have not had one since.For some reason when the guy upstairs smokes it comes down into our apt.and it stinks!But it also makes me crave one.And it really p~sses me off! And my stepdad and brother went with mom & me to mattoon to my spych eval last week and I decided right then and there.I know I havn`t been to their house since July,but I am not going to go their anymore untill dad stops smoking and stops everyone from smoking in his house.They were lighting up every few minutes and the smell was so strong.I came too far to throw it all away.I was so nervous craving cigareetes and was worried about the 2nd hand smoke shoeing up in the test they do to see if you have been smoking.I was so mad.But I didn`t want to say anything because it is my parents vehicle.I`ve also had an upper respritory infection for a month now.The infection is gone but this creepin crud keeps building up in my airway and just sits there and sticks like glue and I have to cough my brains out to get it to loosen up & go somewhere.Needless to say it`s been a pretty crappy month.
Anyway I hope you all are well and good.LEt me know how all of you have been doing the last month.
I need to go take my meds and try to hobble around here & try & get something done.so I`ll talk to ya later
Take care
Oh yeah.And the 2 week pre surgery diet?My surgeon wants me to do 3 weeks!!!
.OMG I`m sitting here with the hiccups
.I never get hiccups!!! I havn`t had hiccups in Geeeeze,over 20 years?once in a while I`ll hiccup once & it`s over,but I have a full case of the hiccups!!! Is this because I quit smoking?Oh well.Take care everyone & have a good day.

That Dr. had no right to talk to you that way. You are right find another ortho, if a Dr doesn't have any empathy for me, they are gone. I have Osteo Arthritis in both knees, having had a previous surgery on both did not help me. However my ortho put me on Arthrotec, and it does help with the pain. He told me there is nothing he can do besides that and PT at this time since I am too young for a total knee replacement. So I guess for the next 10 years I have to live with it like it is. He told me walking is good, not power walking, just walking, and he did tell me to try not to take too many stairs as that is hard on the knees. I am not sure about the bike though. Good job on quitting smoking I know it is hard but well worth it in the end. You will be a healthier you and happier too. Right now I am still stinging from being denied by my insurance co. I guess BCBSIL has a hidden rule. I was told the diet I was on was not a very low calorie diet at 1200 calories. My dieticians office says that is not the case, and when the denial letter came it stated. Lack of 6 month very low calorie diet, which is evidenced by the lack of substantial weight loss. If I could do that, why would I need the help of surgery. Insurance companies sure can stink sometimes. Good Luck to you!
Revision on 04/19/13
Kimberly, I am really sorry that you are having so much trouble with the ortho dr. & with the transportation co. Have you tryed schuduling with them first. before you make the dr. appointments?
Maybe they only go certain days certain places.
Congrats on stoppping smoking. You will not only not be putting it in your lungs, but look at the money you will save. I quit 6 years ago, after almost 40 years of smoking. When I quit, I was burning up 4 packs a day. Believe me, it wasn't easy to quit, but I have been smoke free since. And yes, I was trying to get everyone else to quit to. Then it dawned on me, It really wasn't any of my business.
I hope everything has a happy ending for you.