Monday Roll Call
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois,
Make sure you check out Lucy's post about the party on 12/1/07. Remeber it is open to all Illinois Board members.
The new Rt 355 extension opened today. That is going to make it easier for me to get up north. I can jump on I-80 and avoid I-55 compleatly. It will add a few miles, but it will be faster. I can't wait to try it out, which I will do on Friday, I need to see Dr. Guske that day.
I get another day off today, thanks to it being a Monday, and Vetern's day was on a Sunday. I have already cleaned out the bathroom vanity, it was a total mess. Then, at sometime this morning, I need to go get an oil change, and I want to go to the $ store for a few things that I probly don't really need.
Yesterday, since it was so dreary here in the northern half of the state, I addressed the holiday cards, and got my wrapping papers and stuff out.
I am not sure if anyone is having surgery this week. If you are lurking out there, please come in and introduce yourselves, we won't bite you.
If you are working today, have a good day and drive safe.