Monday Roll Call
Hey George! Good to "see" you here! wow, tomorrow's the big day! yay. Sounds like you've had quite the eventful year!! congrats on the job offers. I know what it's like to be out of work...well not personally, but my hubby was laid off right before 9/11 happened and it took him nearly 2 years to get a good permanant job again! It sucked. I figure if our marriage could survive that, we can survive anything!
I don't know the answer of the Magnesium Citrate...sorry
Well I have been MIA since Friday I think. I lost a whole weekend. I have a kidney stone and I am trying to pass it. I did manage to drag my arce out of bed and go to work today.
I tried to go to an urgent care here in Bradenton and they wouldnt see me as I am new to town!!!!! Go firgure. They told me to go to the ER. I wouldnt go and said screw it and went home. I didnt want to spend 800.00 on a copay and with them wanting to do a ct in the er and blood work and 8 hrs of I dont know what and a 5 to 8 thousand dollar bill I decided to wing it and see if I could pass it on my own. I have to pay 10 per cent of the ER visit. Urgent care is only 15.00. What is up with the health care these days?
Anyway I am off to bed. I have heads to cut tomorrow. Or I mean hair!!!!! Carla.
OUCH Carla, sorry to hear about the kidney stone. I never had one but know 2 people who did, both males. It's not easy and I hope that it passes smoothly for you and you don't end up having to go to the ER. I know what you mean about healthcare, it's crazy. The Dr wanted to talk to Jacob and I about his blood test results and I had to pay a co pay for it. Just seems nuts to me.
Don't cut any heads! LOL just hair!