questions for dr constantine frantzides patients
(also posted in regular rny forum)
i'm considering having surgery with dr frantzides and had a few questions for people who had surgery with him. many deaths has he had?and what are his complication rates?
2.does he do any special leak tests other then during surgery? soon can you get a consult date,and how soon after that can you get a surgery date?
4.what hospital does he perform surgery at?is this a good hospital?is there a bariatric ward?are u in a private or semi private room? much is the fee?
6.someone said he does not cut the nerve that gives you dumping syndrome,did you experience dumping syndrome?
7.i also read that he did extra thorough pre op tests?what were these?and what is the aftercare program like? many surgeries does he have under his belt? many visits were required into the office before surgery,and after?(i will be traveling from far)
that is all i can think of right now but may update this
thank you i would really appreciate any input
I've read through your list of questions and my best advice would be to contact Dr. Frantzides office directly and ask these questions. As you are not local, perhaps you could arrange a phone consulation ?
I can tell you that at one year out, I have never dumped. I do not know the reason why other than pure luck because others that have had surgery done by Dr. F. have dumped. Contact his office, look him up on the Find a Bariatric Surgeon under other IL resources and do your research there. I had many tests, so I can't say what was specific to Dr. F. as I am sure most doctors order a battery of tests for their patients.
Best of luck in your decision.
You couldn't have chosen a better surgeon! I agree, contact him for all those answers. It didn't take too long for me to get an appointment with him. at my visit, I scheduled my surgery, about 2 months out. He has a fellow who works with him for a year. I have heard that his present one, may come on his staff. He has a PA, Leslie, who is absolutely wonderful. I had my surgery in Evanston Hospital, which has built a special surgical suite for Dr. F. I was in a private room, with special bariatric beds. I do not dump,,,,it is the pyloric valve that he does not cut. I saw him twice, the initial visit and then about a week before surgery. You see him 1 week after, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, then yearly. But if you need more he is always available for you. I think you will love him. He is such a professional and extremely fabulous. he is one of the most trusted laproscopic doctors.he teaches all over the world and has developed instruments for lap surgery. Call him, you won't regret it. keep me posted on your progress.
Hi there,
I thought I would try to answer some of your questions--at least to the best of my ability.
1. I would ask Dr. F or Leslie. I know the numbers are low from reading some of his medical papers, but I cannot recall the actual numbers.
2. The day after surgery (first thing in the morning) I had a leakage upper GI to see if I had a leakage. I only had to drink aobut 4 sips of that nasty solution, but everything checked out ok.
3. I had my consult date within a month, I had surgery scheduled for 2 months later.
4. I think this depends upon what sort of insurance you have. I have IL Medicaid so the only hospital I was eligible for was Evanston Northwestern Hospital. I was not aware that the wing was built for his patients, but it makes sense. I believe all the rooms there ( I ended up staying in three, but due to my b/f collapsing in my room and taking ill during my stay there) are private rooms.
5. The fee was managable, but I cannot say by how much.
6. I have experienced the dumping syndrome a couple times, but it was my fault. I tried to drink hot choclate (which had entirely too much sugar in it), and then I battled with an old demon over birthday cake. The hot choclate was much worse for me....never again!
7. I had the normal array of testing....but alot depends upon your individual health history. For me, it was lots of blood work, chest xrays, ultrasound, EKG--which led to an echocardiogram and a stress test per my cardiologists request.
8. Another question for the doctor....but you can also look at his surgery page for an approximate number.
9. I seen him once before surgery. As far as post op, I have seen him once at a week out, a month out, going in 2 weeks for my 3 month appointment, again at 6 months, and annually.
I hope this information is helpful to you. I love Dr. F and his whole staff! They are simply awesome, and I would highly reccomend him to anyone. He is totally honest with you, and I knew from the moment I met him and began talking to him that I had found the surgeon for me! I travel about 6 hours to see him, but it is well worth it to me. Keep us posted! Good luck!
First things first you could not have picked a better surgeon anywhere period!!
I will answer by number for you.
1. I believe he has had 2 if I recall both which had major prior problems I would ask him though, He is far below the average.
2. about 12-24 hours after surgery you go to the x-ray area you drink the barium and they watch it go down while checking for leaks.
3. I seen him and had a date 3 weeks later, but i had most of the testing done from prior places.
4. he works out of northwestern which has been in the top 10 hospitals for I believe the last 4 years.
5. fee you have to talk to him I don't believe it is a set amount. Each person has different situations and problems ex prior surgeries or hernias or other things like that
6. you are right he cuts around the nerve that causes dumping I don't dump at all I am 7 months out and 102 pounds lost
7 I did a pulmonary function test, EKG, stress test(my cardiologist made me) blood work up, sleep study is needed but I already had sleep apnea. I think their were more but I can't remember.
8 lots and lots he does I think 4-5 a week and he has been doing this for years.
9. I went to the office one time then made my appointment, next time I saw him was at the hospital the morning of surgery.
Dr. Frantzides saved my life! He is warm and sincere he really cares about you not just at surgery time. He still cares about my well being. I hope one day to work for him because I believe in him that much! His staff is amazing and I knew the min I met him I made the right decision.
Only you can decide what and who is right for you and your situation! Good luck to you on your journey and please keep me posted .
Dr Frantzides did my RNY 2 years ago. He's not at Evanston Hospital anymore - I think he's at St Francis, still in Evanston though.
I don't know if he's had deaths or what his complication rate is. This is something you should ask him.
the morning after surgery you are taken down to Xray for a leak test.
Dr F sees patients in his office one day a week - Thursdays. call for a consultation. I saw him and he set the surgery date at the consultation, then gave me the scripts for all the pre-op tests and told me what he would need from my PCP for my insurance company. I was approved for surgery within a week of Dr F's office submitting the paper work.
you need to talk to him about his fee, and what hospital he's operating from now.
i've dumped a couple of times in 2 years post op.
yes, he requires a lot of test. and your PCP might require tests as well. it depends on the current state of your health and what, if any, co-morbidities you have.
After surgery, you spend 2 nights in hospital. his PA and Fellow work with you regarding your nutritional intake for the next couple of weeks. you'll probably go back for a surgical follow up 1 week after surgery, and then once a wee****il he releases you to go back to work.
you need to do your homework on this. RNY patients have different nutritional needs than lap-banders. put all your questions on paper and take it with you when you see him.
he's a great surgeon, he has great people. and if you're determined to change your life, he's the guy that can give you the tool to change.