Friday Roll Call
Happy Friday to my IL family-I'm still here just haven't felt like posting-in a pity pot
state of mind and just can't shake it. Landed in CDH again w/another bout w/lung issues, so now I'm on steroids again and they do nothing to improve my mood or my diet. My family has been absolutely no support to me for over a month now- I never thought that after the way I raised them I could have 4 such totally self-absorbed -itches, but I do and I am trying to accept them as they are and not internalize their aloofness, but it still hurts. And Joy Boy is in for a sound piece of my mind-what is left of it
- this w/end. He's getting presented "The Rectal Orifice of the Year" trophy! I have my grandson's 8th b-day party Sunday , so I best snap out of it (ala Cher in "Moonlight"). Baby Lincoln continues to thrive and my niece is able to get in a few hours at work again , so their lives are slowly normalizing again, Thank you Lord! I will keep Marilyn in my prayers and hope she feels better soon. Martha- you sound like you're mending slowly but surely. You too-Janet H. Dawn- I love the new pic-you are getting to be a hotty-watch out Pam-competition for you and Lady Lucy!
Everyone have a great week-end- All you post ops- take care and rest and sip! Hugs to all-Janet K

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles Janet! I have a daughter that could fit into your family! do ya want her? LOL Thank God I have another daughter that is wonderful........
Competition?'s ok Just join us! With all the wls going on here, I'm sure to see a bunch of hoochies soon! You too Janet!
Good Evening Lisa and the Illinois Board,
I just got home from work. Cutting hair all day is exhausting!!!!! I work tomorrow too.
My husband got me a new computer chair and now my back doesnt hur while sittting on my puter!!!!!
I am babysitting my 2 yr old cousin tomorrow night at her house overnight. I should have a lot of fun with her. I got her the movie Ratatoulle. We are going to watch it in bed on my little DVD player.
My daughter must be missing her mama cause Im thinking a trip to Chicago is in tall order but I dont knwo when I can come!!!!!