Friday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois! TGIF!. Has anyone noticed, there are 2 weeks left to the "official " start of the holiday season? Well, I am off work today, but, it is going to be a busy day. I need to do errands and also clean house. Then need to get things ready for a weekend trip. We are getting a weekend over at Amish Acres. Our kids gave us a gift certificate for our birthdays, back in the spring. Due to other things, we were unable to use it til now. I am really looking forward to it. And best [part of the weekend is that I am off Monday too. Mendy had her RNY yesterday. She was up walking last night. Has anyone heard from George? His was yesterday also. What are your plans for today and the weekend? Come in and tell us. BTW, as I am sitting here at the computer, I am sipping on a decafe coffee, laced with non-fat creamer and equal, with a scoop of vannilla protien added in for good measure. Almost as good as a Starbucks, and not the cost or the drive. Lisa
Open RNY May 7
Yay, it's finally Friday. This week has been a long one that's for sure. I have to work today and then rush home and pick up Mike, Tyler and Jacob and we are off to parent teacher conferences for them. I know they are both doing great, so no worries there. I plan on going for a walk when we get home from that. If it's dark already, I'll take Shane with me, no one bothers me when he's with me because he's so big, too bad they don't know that he's a huge baby and would probably hide behind me! LOL This weekend just the usual, cleaning, errands and finishing the boys hang out room. My parents were wonderful enough to drive all the way out here on Wednesday just to drop off a futon for the boys. The boys love it and are very grateful to their grandparents for it. Sunday I have a 2 hour online class for A&P from 5-7pm. I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend too!