I talked to Marilyn
Revision on 04/19/13
I am sorry this post is so late. but I was unable to get on earlier. Marilyn was able to call me about an hour ago. She said the surgery was delayed in part because they were having trouble getting an IV in. They had to stick her 9 times. There were no problems in the operating room.
she is not diebetic, but for some reason her blood sugar is high, so they are monitering that, plus she is running a fever. She will be home tomorrow, if she loses the fever and her blood sugars lower.
Thank you for the update on Marilyn... I have been thinking about her and praying for her... I was looking for a "I'm Home" post on her page and when I didn't see one I came searching the forums... Good to hear about her... I hope her fever goes down and her blood sugars come back to normal.... Blessings Jenn

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