Sunday Roll Call
Well, one more day to this beautiful weekend. Anything special going on with any of you? We are hopping on the train in a little while to go down to the Loop and visit with some people we know from another WLS board. We will get some walking in to and from the train over to Michigan Ave near Grand to the Reagle Beagle. This is a retro place that one of our neighbor's brother owns. They have a continuace loop of 70's commercials on the TVs going all the time. Pretty cool place.
Need to get moving.

Open RNY May 7
Hi Christine. You're up bright and early this morning and ready to go!
I plan on taking my Halloween decorations down and store them in the garage. Since it is nice outside today, I think I will bring in my Christmas decorations. I won't be putting much out this year with my upcoming PS.
Then I'll be off to my sister's house. I haven't seen her in 2 weeks.
Yesterday I was very busy and exhausted. I also went to Costco for some needed items like coffee, low fat cheese, shrimps, etc. I did buy myself a sleeveless vest that is reversible, one side an off white suede and the other faux fur. I love it! Packing my summer clothes and then taking them to the car and bringing them to my mom's house in the basement was exhausting too. Lots of stairs from my house and then down to her basement. Now I have my bedroom closet to tackle. Probably something I will do a little bit everyday after work.
There's also some yard work that I need to do soon just outside my front door.
So today will be a family day with some household chores.
Enjoy today!

Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Christine and Everyone Else,
All I have going today is laundry, and picking up the house. I have already started a beef stew for dinner.
Yesterday I went, along with Marilyn M, to the Kane Centers Freedon to Learn series, and then I went to the Lap Band Post Operative Behavioral Support Group. Both were very interesting.
We then met our girls at Geneva Commons and did a little shopping at The Fresh Market. It was a long day, since in order to make the 9am meeting, we have to leave home at 6;30am.
This week at work is going to be He@@. We will be opened to all people with low income to help them with a grant for heat and electric. If anyone thoinks they qualify, PM me and I will try to give you the right info for your county.
Enjoy the nice fall day,
Sounds like a busy weekend for you also. How do you like that Geneva Commons? I went there once and did not care for it. Maybe I just was not in the mood for shopping that day. I went there 2 years ago the day after Thanksgiving or maybe it was the day after Christmas, I cannot remember.
Open RNY May 7
I was at the Freedom To LEarn series yesterday, too. I was the one sitting at the back who chimed in about amusement park rides 'size issues'.
As for me today...We had my daughter's 5th birthday party today (she turns 5 tomorrow). I made a homemade cake with a buttercream frosting that, as my sister stated, "It's so good! I could sit down and just eat the frosting! I have never had a buttercream that was as smooth as this!"
I made the cake and two batches of frosting (One chocolate and one plain) I frosted it in Chocolate and did the 'basic' decorations (simple piping and lettering) and my wife did the flowers. I will try to remember to post a picture tomorrow.
Hello everyone!!!
That extra hour of sleep did wonders for me....I'm ready to face the day!
Sounds like everyone is pretty busy!
Chris...that Reagle Beagle sounds like a blast !!! I will definitely have to check that place out with my friend, Tony....he and I talk for hours about tv shows and music from the 70's..I bet he would love it there!
Lucy.....that vest sounds beautiful !!! I just love shopping these days.....and Costco happens to be one of my favorite long as I go on weekday early afternoon...otherwise, too crowded for me!!! fellow band-ster....Sorry that your work week is gonna be so busy!! I hope you can take some time out to just enjoy today!!
My plans also include a visit to my sister....She is like a second-mom to me since there is a 20year age gap (yes, I come from a big family...8 of us!!!) and she is AWESOME!!! My mom and I will be driving out to Crystal Lake and spending the day with my sis....NO BOYS ALLOWED!!! LOL! We banished the men to golfing...yeah, they're not !
Have a terrific day!!!