You Guys Are Making Me Cry!
Hey Sweets.. I don't want to see you cry. I just want to see you have a quick recovery and I'm concerned about this party being a week after your surgery. You are having some major stuff done. I have a feeling that Lucy is going to do what Lucy wants to do. If you say the party is on, then have at it.. Party on
Just no that if you change your mind, we will support you. Now dry those darn tears!

I do not want to see you over do it either but I think that YOU can be the organizer (mental) of everything and the rest of us can do the grunt work. You sit there and supervise from an easy chair in the rec room and we will carry out your orders. It can be done you just have to relinquish to us the majority of the being on our feet, cleaning, setting food out, decorating and then the clean up at the end. You start putting your thinking cap on as to how you want it all to come about and we are your "worker bees" and we all will follow through with everything else. AND we will all still have a great time.
Open RNY May 7