OT: Anyone have a room to rent in Chicago area
Well, I have had quite the few weeks. First, I had a tummy tuck on October 17th. I am doing great. Second, I found out that I will be getting a transfer to Milowaukee in a few months. I wanted it, but didn't know when it would happen. My current lease is up in the middle of November, and for obvious reasons, I do not want to sign a new lease. I am planning on renting a room for a few months, and put my things into storage. I thought someone on here might know someone that is looking for a roommate or to make some extra cash by renting out a room. Don't really want to live with "just anyone".
Are you looking for something downtown? or here is an idea
Kenosha WI has a metra stop that will take you to the city, and is approximately 30 miles south of Milwaukee. Maybe finding a place with a one year lease there commute by train to the city, and then when you transfer you can drive to Milwaukee.
I live in Waukegan, and used to work in downtown Milwaukee for almost a year till I could find something closer.
Just a thought
Look at you skinny lady! You look wonderful. Sorry I don't know of anyone who might have a room to rent, but I do know of a company that does temp housing. They rent on a month to month furnished apartments. Company is called 12 Oaks. I used to use them when I was working and would have employees from overseas come and work here for a short period of time. Hope that helps and congrats on the transfer. Milwaukee is a really nice town.
Regards and hugs,

I'm in a kind of a similar situation. I currently live in Oak Park and am trying to relocate to Fond du Lac, WI. I work in Itasca and my lease is up at the end of November.. for obvious reasons, my move date will depend on when I secure employment up north.
Here's what I've done -- I have asked my landlord to renew my lease month to month with thirty day notice (so once I know about the job thing, they still get 30 days notice).. Most landlords know that winter months are not the most popular move-in months and may be willing to work with you until you're ready to move. Or.. you could always ask for a 3 month lease.. or a however many months you have left lease.
Like I said, most landlords have trouble filling apartments in winter so rather than have a vacant apartment, they may be willing to sign a shorter lease. Year leases are not your only option!
Ask! You have nothing to lose... the worst they could say is no and then you're no worse off than you are right now.
Good luck!
RNY 11/12/04