Well there's been a confirmed student case of this superbug at an elementary school in our district. It happens to be the school that the boys used to go to before they changed boundries. It's very close to our house. I have no idea who the child is or even if it's male or female, but please keep the kids at Fearn Elementary School in your thoughts that this doesn't get passed on.
Monica-I in no way want to minimize the danger of MRSA, but I fear that again, the media is taking an issue and blowing it out of proportion. MRSA is not a pleasant thing to have, and left untreated, can be life threatening or deadly. I have had it, as has my husband, and it is treatable and curable w/the right anti-biotics. It usually is picked up in a hospital environment and not easily passed from person to person as it likes to live in internal places. My husband's was in the base of his lungs and mine was in abdominal fluid, removed after a bowel resection. You have every reason to be concerned, but please don't get overly wraught over this. Your kids would have to be VERY close to the infected person and in some way come in contact w/the bodily fluid carrying it. And it is very unusual for it to be carried in sputum. When a MRSA patient is in the hospital, the visitors and staff wear gowns and gloves but not masks when in the room, so it is usually not airborne either. Please try not to panic-I know it is easier said than done. I'll keep you and the kids in my prayers-Hugs-Janet K
Thank you Janet, your post made me feel much better. I am not too worried about the kids catching it here, though I really thought that was what Jacob had when he had those big sores which did start out like boils...but they went away with the steriod cream and no antibiotics.
It just seems like if there's something weird out there, MY kids get it. Even their pediatrician when they were really little said that! ha ha ha. That's just the type of luck we have. Though I think my luck might be changing for the better, after all I found all of you wonderful people!!
Hugs sweetie and thanks again!
That's funny that you are bring this up, because Maddie was once told she had MRSA. When I told my sister, who is a nurse what this doctor said, she insistead that I get a second opinion! The whole thing started when Maddie had what looked like a mole or pimple in on her back. However it keep on getting bigger and bigger! It got infected and she got really sick, so I took her to to her regular peditrician(the one who said she had MRSA was her doctors fill in on the weekends) and he said to take her to a dermatoligist or surgeon ASAP!!! I got her to a surgeon that day and he was quit surprised to see her back the way it was! The scary thing is that it was spreading and was painful to Maddie! They removed the lump in her back and sent the pea size lump and blood to the lab. At this point the doctors in Rockford did not reasure us of anything! It came back that Maddie did not have MRSA, but had mulescum congaiaism virus. After several treatments at the dermatoligists office at $400.00 a crack, she is virus free. This virus is very common in AIDS patiance and is VERY contagious! My sister said that MRSA is getting more common! Sorry to bore you w/ the long story, but we thought we had it at one point! I know what you mean about if it's something your kids can get, yours will get it! We have been in the emergency room more times in the past 3 years! 2 times because Maddie put tic-tacs up her nose and another time because she put my diamond earing up her nose! No I never go it back! Yeah, I was mad, but not at her.... I hope everything is going okay w/ you and hubby. Mines being a butt tonight! He was supposed to go to a holloween dance w/ Maddie and I, and he got all moody and didn't go and it broke Maddie's heart! I better go....I smell something burning down stairs.
MRSA has been out there for a very long time, its just being talked about alittle more, now everyone that is not in the medical feild is hearing about this and everyone is up at arms, when in reality its always been there, just not talked about. I had Mrsa when I had my double knee replacement, and the Drs. felt it so commom they didn't even tell me, found it out a year later.I am not by any means trying to pass this over lightly, just trying to let you all know it isn't anything new! And I have been told "It is air born, If it is in your urine you would not have to mask because it is contained,if you are in the hospital,because they usually use a foley cath, you would gown and glove, but in all other cases you would glove, gown and mask. also they say we probably have the tendensey to get Mrsa, you just have to have the right weakness in your body at that time of exposure, like in hospital setting they say it may be because of unsterilation,if you were to be in a steril enfirnoment, if your emune system is low you are more prone to it, someone can carry the germ and be coughing and some one with low emunity or other health issues that has weaked them can get it. Good hand washing, eat health well balanced meals, keep emumity system up, take vit. get all open sores healed, if it takes longer than usual and the over the counter medicine isn't working, go to the Dr. or an Urgent care. they will do a swab of the drainage and put you on the right medication. It is nothing to mess with, I think the whole point is we used to feel we could heal everything ourselfs from over the counter, and still can some things, but because MRSA has become more "Out there". we should all take alittle more care, and take notice of the way we do and see things. Just my opinion! "I Believe"
Hi Monica, I will keep the kids in my prayers ,
With the bug going around and me having surgery tue, sure gives me a scare, with it being a new hospital in all, but I am sure that everything will be ok, but still can't have think about it,

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!