Anyone else feel this way! Can you help?
Hey girls...I am doing okay. I came home today at about 11:30. I am having a hard time eating and tummy just hurts. But maybe someone can help me with ideas on how they got themselves to pass gas? They told me my bowels sounded great but .... I just can't "let loose" if you know what I mean. I am trying to sit here in my computer room in a different chair ...hoping it will help.
Thank you everyone for thinking of me! And Janet thank you for stopping by :)
Gina :)
Thanks for your answer.... Just am feel awful. Like I've been hit by a MAC Truck. Which I guess is normal ... I just can't wait to feel comfortable. Right now I guess I am feeling very discouraged. I would cry but I know that I would take in to much air .... I am praying for God to help me over this hump. -Gina