Have You Been Squeezed?
Just a reminder ladies, that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Have you been squeezed lately?
I go for my mammogram tomorrow, so I thought I would remind the rest of you how important it is to get your annual mammogram if you are over 40.
It is a year since I found the lump while I was in the shower and had to have a lumpectomy.
I'm hoping tomorrow will show that all is well with me.
So don't be a big baby, get it done for you and the people that love you.
That includes me

Regards and hugs,

Revision on 04/19/13
Going for the annual breast pressing on Halowe'en! I'll sure be witchy and _itchy after that! Trick or treaters beware! Just playin'- my oldest had stage 3 Breast cancer and I know how devastating the disease is to the victim and the family. I'll say a prayer that you get a good report tomorrow-Hugs-Janet K
I did have a scare about 2 years ago when I was doing a self check in the shower and found a huge lump right near my underarm. Of course I immediately started crying!
I called my sister and she went with me to the Dr. The stupid practioner that I saw, said, "well it could be cancer, let's watch it for a couple of weeks and have you take some antibiotics" Needless to say I went somewhere else for a second opinion and that Dr said, "it's NOT cancer, it's a swollen sweat gland!"
Talk about a huge relief.
You take care of yourself and make sure you keep on those mammys then young lady because you are a dear friend and now that I have met you, you are not going anywhere!