Hi IL Board,
I am finally FINALLY on vacation for the next 10days!!! So, I'm hoping to keep up with the message board.
I celebrated my 2yr Surgiversary yesterday....and I'm making progress.
Anyways, I'm going to try to stop being such a wallflower around here since I will be living a normal sleep schedule now that vacation is here!!!
Have a great afternoon/evening!


HI Christina,
I have a bunch of "to do" list stuff and checking into Dr.Rosen's program is at the top.
I'm feeling pretty good, and the weight has started coming off again...(what a concept, the more I walk ,etc the scale starts moving down....DUH!!) but I still want to get into a support group to keep me on track.
How are things with you?
Things are going good, just really busy. If you would like, support group is next Thursday, November 1, come as my guest! Brianna the nutritionist is going to have samples of holiday healthy foods and will talk about healthy recipes for the holidays.
Glad to hear your doing well and the scale is being good to you. Movin does do the body good!
Do you still have my phone number? If not, let me know and I'll send you a pm. Would love for you to join us at the meeting if you are available.
Hi Ronna,
What a difference 2years life is sooooo much better now!!! I am truly blessed.
Oh I plan on enjoying every single minute of this vacation....I get to be a normal (ha ha) person for a while...sleep-wise anyways.
I haven't made any concrete plans yet....but I have made a promise to myself to WALK WALk WALK as much as possible...I truly enjoy it. Maybe a short vacation up to Wisconsin...or a drive to visit my favorite brother (I have 5...he's my fave!!) in Missouri.
I'm going to try to get more involved on the board, I will be chatting with you!!!