Update Pam S
I went to see Pam yesterday evening. She was doing great and they have stopped the pain med pump and now is on something that they give her every 6 hours. She was really coherent and her, Dave and I had a really nice visit. Like Christina said she is in Advocate Good Samaritan, room 5204 bed one and this hospital is in Downers Grove. She is such a sweetie and she even brought me a gift of some Calgon Bubble Bath so I can have it to take me away when life throws curves at me. Probably like this afternoon when I am done facing what work I left behind before going to training these last two days. But, I digress. Getting back to Pam - the twisting of the intestine situation is something that I will have to research but from what she was saying the intestine twisted after the surgeon was in doing the surgery and it is something that is a possibility to happen. I will need to do more research to see what the implications are for the future. But, hernias, twisted bowels PO can happen to anyone that has had abdominal surgery where they go inside the muscle wall and are poking around your tummy area. This is not to scare anyone that is pre op it is just a reality of the situation that it is a potential complication. I gave Pam a little pep talk about her drive home and the importance of her getting out of the car and walking every 1/2 hour to help in the prevention of blood clots. She lives out in Rockford and that is about a 2 hour drive from where she is at in the hospital. Pam is a well informed patient and she will do great PO. She has been able to have ice chips also with blue dye in them because they are tracking her to make sure it all comes out the proper way and that she does not have any leaks. Well, I need to get moving and ready for work. Christine
Open RNY May 7

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!