Just wanted to let everyone
know that tommrow I go see the surgeon again for my pre op and I am ready for surgery this time and excited not scared... I am a little worried hopefully he is not to angry for me canceling last time : ( . I also wanted to Thank everyone here in the ILL board for being so supportive and there for me during this whole ordeal. I would never have gotten through it with out you all...Love Martha
Revision on 04/19/13
Martha, you were not ready last time. Now you have more information and you know that you can do this. I think everyone has fears and thoughts, especially when it is elected surgery. My worst fear was seeing the heart Dr. I knew he wouldn't pass me, and he didn't. So I faced heart surgery in April. This was a peice of cake after that. Make sure you ask any and all questions you want answered, and also tell him what fears you have. He isn't going to bite you.
I am mixing up a special witches brew and sending it to you, You will be fine.