Tuesday Roll Call
Good morning everyone, Today I am going to a ladies bible study at 9:30 am. I am happy to report that Maddie is doing wonderful getting on the bus now! She makes me sooo proud! We just take baby steps and show her how proud we are of her and she finally takes off! Now our next step is to have her go in the big kid room at church by herself! At this age, there is alot of transitions! Anyway.....
I am sooo glad to hear that Pam and Kristen had safe surgerys. I guess surgery is like a box of chocolates....you never know what your going to find. Both girls are in good hands and will be just fine! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Kim
Helloooo ladies. I feel fantastic. Just pain around the port, but this is a lot less pain than I ever expected. There is a monster movie marathon on AMC, so I am relaxing and walking around in between movies.
Gina good luck today.
Baby Lincoln has been in my thoughts, I just haven't been around to post it. I am glad to hear he had a good weekend.
I'm off to relax now. Have a good day!
Hi, I am missing Pam's messages as well... I am doing school work with the kids today and making my Thanksgiving dinner today..LOL
I am having Surgery next Thursday and I know I won't be able to have Thanksgiving dinner so tonight I am making one... My DH thinks it is great as he loves Thanksgiving LOL and I have my mom here visiting and that is keeping me busy at 70 she has the energy of a 10 Year old LOL... She never stops. I have a major headache today and would love to just sit around but not with Grandma here..Any ways I will keep checking back to see how Gina is doing and if there is any new info on Pam.. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday...Love Martha
Good Morning! It was a *****illy this morning, but the sun is shining and the birds are singing.
It is my DH and I's 14th wedding anniversary today. Hard to believe it has been 14 years. He got me a pretty amethyst locket with matching earrings and I got him a card. I was going to take him to Tramonto's for dinner, but I don't have anyone to entertain the 12 year old, and my daughter is at school. So, that will be on hold until the weekend.
I have not heard back from Maggy yet at the Kane Center, she called me last Monday and said that there were 5 people ahead of me, and she would call me when she sent the paperwork to the insurance company. I wonder how long I should wait before I call? I am not comforable with calling, as I know she is busy and I am not the most patient person in the world. I don't want to become a pain in the A$$.
Any how, today is work, work, work, and then home to do homework and finish working on restoring my desktop computer after having the hard drive replaced.
Congratulations to Pam, Kristen, and Gina. You are all inspiration to me, and I am so looking forward to the day I can join you on the losers bench.
Revision on 04/19/13
Wendi, become the pain in Maggies backside.They have all your paperwork, and I am sure they use some type of a general letter for the insurance companys.If she talked to you aweek ago Monday. I would be calling her and asking what day did she think it will go in. If t was Monday, like yesterday, I would give her until Friday. And keep track of when you talk to her.
Hav a Happy, Happy 14th anniversary. Our 42nd one will be in January, but 14 wasn't that long ago.

Hope everyone is doiing well. Good thoughts going out to those in surgery, going into surgery or just out of surgery. Boy there have been alot haven't there.
I'm just trying to contain myself today. I still haven't heard back from that company that I interviewed with over the last couple of weeks. I feel like SCREAMING!!!!!!!
So I did the only thing I could do. I called the consultant and left her a voicemail but even she didn't call me back. I just want to crawl into bed and hid until it's all over.
Calgon.......take me away!
Regards and hugs,
