sip sip sip walk walk walk rest rest rest
I think I did too much of the walk walk walk part. I woke up at 4 am and felt GREAT so I decided to walk around the house and did a flight or two of I feel like a bomb went off inside of me. Egh.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day. Its good to hear Pam did well. Gina- good luck today.
Hey darling, walking is great for you, just don't over do it, listen to your body. Later I would love to hear from you all that had lap band, Ireally don't know much about it except for what I have read on the internet. Would love to hear from a person that has had it done, and what they go through.
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Kristen, Today, tomorrow , even Thursday, pamper yourself. Take the pain meds, and the Lovenox and sit back and watch TV, chat on the phone and do nothing. ( I am working on a small hand weaved rug).Then you can start walking , whatever. Anyway, I am glad you are home. At least you didn't have to stay overnight.

I got home last night and my boyfriend had bought me roses, and a cute lion stuffed animal, and some cds I have been wanting, and boxes of sugar free popsicles. My friends also came over and pampered me. I felt so loved. My kitten doesnt understand why she can't come sleep on my belly. I feel so bad that I have to push her away, but she will get over it eventually :)