hernia/tummy tuck
When my husband had his panni after his weight loss the PS only did the panni. His WLS surgeon did the hernia before the panni and then the other surgeon came into the OR and fixed the excess skin issue. There are some surgeons out there that will handle both things for you and there are some insurance companies that will cover the TT but the ins. coverage is few and far between. It all depends on the ins. coverage that you carry. My husband's ins covered the panni because he had lost well over 100# and it was medically necessary. Good luck.
Open RNY May 7
Well, he is correct in that there probably is some sort of a hormonal (chemical) inbalance. Scientists have found that there are close to 8+ hormones that control and influence obesity. Try not to come off as too ****y with him it will only fuel the volital situation that you have now. What I think he is really having a problem with is that he is insecure with the person that you have become, he has lost control over you with your new found self confidence.
Yes we both had RNY in May and September of '03. I had it first. We are both loving life and living it to the fullest.
Open RNY May 7
Right, he has controlled me for years by threatening to leave me. I have always obeyed him. I know he is supposed to be head of the house and I have always given in to what he wanted.
He has made so many unwise decisions taking us to bankruptcy and more.
I have never been ****y with him. thats not me. I am the same loving person I always was. My friend said maybe he was afraid I would leave him so he left me first. If he had treated me with dignity and respect and given me a voice this wouldn't have happened. But he has to be boss.
I would have rather lived with him to the death of one of us but I never would have been happy with the way he treated me.
I know a lot about hormones and such and take a pill for it. But the weight loss has NOT affected my brain. I was just thinking that I was 65 years old and if I was going to make a difference in this world, maybe I didn't have much time to do it. I want to serve God, not the kingdom of hubby.
I am so proud of you and hubby. Its great to have a healthier life.